No Heart of Love

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He had a heart. Marina was convinced he did.

He was a restless child. Inqueto, no.

He came her way and soon the sun had come to. He could lift her up, but break her down too.

Obdidetnly, she took his hand, promised she would stand with him, any way that he would love.

Because her love for family was so damn wise! And she knew no matter what.

He can lift her up. He tear her down. She can calm him down. She can make him howel.

He can try but she's unbreakable.

Do your best, Chakal. But I'll stand with you. You'll find that love I am.

When the silence comes, when the storm hits. He'll find her finely hard as stone.

He don't have no heart of love.

He says she's perfect. A perfect wife. He holds her close to his heart's symphony.

He holds her tight and calls her his one true love. And she believes.

But she.. but.. but she knows. Without her child his love would disapear. And even if it's unfair, she doesn't care. Because she knows that her love is pure and strong.

He can be calm. She can be his wife. But obdient mind she'll never be.

She can try to fail. But he'll catch her veil.

And she'll always find no heart of love.

With her symphony. With sweet music dawned. With a loving heart.

He shall find none.

No heart of love.


I am dying. I won't marry.

I feel like a caged bird.

But I'll keep dancing.

I'll be unmasking.

The truth.

Will you love me.

Without a truce? 

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