No, Chakal

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No no Chakal.

No, Chakal.

Sure, he had to agree that all the time she had been there at his side. Alondra never lost control no matter how many times he betrayed her.

And with that... that whore.

He can have her golden rule. While she keeps her cool. One deep breath at a time.

And even though he's had his time. Running around with pretty young things.

And even if he's had one son/child with someone who don't even own a wedding ring.

No matter what she would hear about her family she would always make sure she kept her mouth shut. And that included her husband.

She had put up with his womanizing for a long time. Even if it came to a point where she loved him and he loved her.

You know what? There would be a time when he would listen to her. And that time was now!

He had to think she was crazy. After all, he wanted to replace him. And she feels like a Mother scolding her child.

He had a brain and he didn't use it! What were his last brain cells doing? Partying? Ah heck no!

No, Chakal!

So he read somewhere that they were cursed because she was once married to his brother. Big deal!

Well he wasn't like Papi. And where is Chela?

"Oh! Hi Nena." She smiled at her child.

How curious, it was so easy to forget daughters.

He is just so full of himself and his medal that he had to think she was naive.

How stupid does he think she is?

In the end she can whine and say

"No, Chakal."


He had her down on her knees just asking what she had done wrong. What had she done wrong?

All she had been was humble, loyal, and tried to humble her pride as much as she could.

If only.. if only there was a way for him to tell her what she had done to displease his name.

Then she would go.

And yet..

He had nothing to say.. she's not going away.

Then none of them were going away.

He didn't only dislike that they couldn't reproduce. Oh no. It was also because he would get tired of one woman. ​​​​​​​

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