Part 1 Rewrite

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///Asahi's POV///

In this world we humans are split into 3 classes. Alpha, Beta, and Omega. The population mostly consists of Betas who lead relatively normal lives uninterrupted by hormone cycles. Alphas outnumber Omegas due to previous stigma leading to high suicide rates. Alphas are praised for their natural larger physiques and domineering attitudes. Most sports legends are alphas. They rule the upper class politically and economically. Some alpha families are purist, secretly disposing of any children who are born beta or omega. These practices have died out in modern times but unfortunately my family was still purist in ideology. I was expected to bond with another female alpha and produce alpha children as was tradition. I only had one small problem with that.

"ASAHIII!!" The sliding door to my classroom slammed loudly against its stopper as it was slid open rapidly by my aforementioned problem. Nishinoya stood in the doorway, his loud entrance having attracted the attention of my other classmates. I had nearly jumped out of own skin and was now just trying to get my rapid breathing and heartbeat to slow down.

Now that I had recovered from my near heart attack I picked up my things and followed him to the hallway towards the gym.

"Nishi you don't have to pick me up from class every day. I'm not going to run away again I promise you." I felt the need to reassure him of something he already knew. I glanced down at him and he stared straight ahead not saying anything. Then he huffed suddenly.

"Well. Maybe I just like walking with you." He sounded a little shy as he said this, his usual proud voice wavering a little and getting slightly quieter. There was a light pink tint to his cheeks and ears that was really cute as he looked back to the ground nervously. There, ladies and germs, was my problem. The 5'2" Omega who played libero on our volleyball team. I was head over heels for him when i wasn't allowed to be.

///Nishinoya POV//

     Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, why would I say something like that. Asahi can't know that I have feelings for him. His family is purist, the thought of me liking him must make his stomach churn. I took a quick glance at Asahi who appeared to be smiling a little bit.

At last we reached the doors to the gym and strolled outside, the sunlight catching my eyes and making me squint a little bit as they adjusted. Instead of going straight to the gym we pealed off to the right in the direction of the clubroom. The sound of volleyballs and shoes could already be heard in the gym. Those crazy first years must have sprinted to get to practice early.

Approaching the clubroom, only the three other 2nd years were there. Tanaka was spouting some nonsense to Ennoshita about a hot girlfriend that he wishes he had to cheer him on at the tournament, while the other two changed quietly, occasionally laughing at Tanaka's antics. Daichi and Suga came back to rush everyone along to the gym.

The other 2nd years headed out shortly, leaving just me and Asahi alone. Now came the worst part of my before practice routine. Taking off my scent blockers. The small white bandages frequently seen on Alphas and Omegas necks to cover up their pheromone producing scent glands. I peeled up one and then the other and Asahi stiffened. My smell irradiated the small stuffy room, my heat cycle was coming up and I knew he could smell it. No matter how purist your family is an Alpha can't resist those innate urges. I chuckled internally, 'as if', I thought.

"Hey Asahi, could you come over tonight and help me study please? I'm falling behind in one of my subjects but Tanaka already took Ennoshita this weekend to study a different subject that I don't need help in." I felt the need to over explain out of fear of creeping him out. He looked puzzled at my mild distress.

"Of course. It is Friday after all." Asahi said before pulling his gym shirt on over his toned body and swapping out his own patches. The smell of warm cinnamon wafted over to me from him. It was a smell that I had loved from the first time I met him. But it was covered up quickly by a white patch.

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