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For the first time in a while. I, Isabelle, am terrified. Terrified for my life. The lives of others, and of course the fact that I may or may not perish. There are an abundence of things to be scared of. Bugs, snakes, clowns, flying, elavators. But very rarely an I absolutely terrified of everything. Entering into the unknown. Everything could go fine. Or not. The thing is, is that we don;t know the future. We don;t know what will happen tomorrow, next week, next month,next year. But for once I am certain about what will happen now.

Stepping into the orphanage is like you're going to give a speech in front of the whole world. You;re being watched. Every step you take. Every shaky breath you breathe. The air is so thick you can hardly breathe. They know I'm coming. They will fight me. I will fight harder. I walk straight ahead, starring at the mirror in front of me. I stop, waiting. Sure enough, Peter is there. Not in the room but in the mirror. He looks different. Something about his face. But how should I know? I haven't seen a living person in...days? Weeks? Maybe a month? The days have all mushed together into one unending life. I am only half aware of myself being gravitated toward Peter. The mirror. The unknown.

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