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They're chasing me. Mile after mile, running faster and faster. They surge between monster and person. One second it's roaring at me, the next second I hear screaming. Human screams. I don't stop. I know it's not real, it can't be. I don't know where to go. The houses? No, to easy, they'll find me there. I have to get out somehow. I slam into a door, breaking it down. I scramble up and run up a fight of stairs just ahead of me. I run for the first open door and go into the room, slamming it shut behind me. I quickly look around the large, high ceilinged room. I'm in a library. I push a tall, heavy looking bookshelf filled with thick books, in front of he door. I continue looking around the room for some defense. All I see are books. Suddenly there's a loud bag against the door. It's so forceful that the book shelf moves forward half an inch. It won't hold. I have to get out of here. Tall windows on the opposite wall look out onto a steep mountainous land. I go over and look down. A 30 foot drop spreads out in front of me. I'm trapped. ,Out of the corer of my eye I see another door. I walk over to it, throwing it open to see a single mirror. I stare at it. Something comes from behind me. I se it. I run towards the mirror, diving into it. I open my eyes to see shattered glass in tiny pieces on the floor around me. I look up to see all the mirrors in the orphanage have been shattered. Unable to be repaired.

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