~Last day of middle school~

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"Izu!!! I'm so glad we get out of school today until highschool!!!!"
"I know I'm glad! What highschool are you going to?"
"I'm going to u.a high! I want to become a hero!"
"I want to but I don't have a quirk, I'm quirkless.."
"They have to give you a chance inzu!! You're amazing!!"
Then I hear a voice yell for inzu, but they called him deku.
"Isn't that that boy who bullies you?"
"Y-yes.. I gotta go we'll talk later!"
He says as he starts to walk over to the person calling his name.

When we all get to class the teachers talk about what school we want to go to.
"Hey deku didnt you and Taiyo y'all wanted to go to u.a also?"
When I see deku but his head down people start calling me to fragile and calling me "quirkless".
"Just because I haven't shown my quirk doesn't mean I'm quirkless!!"
Then I hear people making fun of deku sense everyone knows he's quirkless.
"Leave deku alone! NOW!!"
"Or what quirkless extra? What are you gonna do?" Bakugo said as his minions laugh.
"I will use my quirk on you!"
"Keep dreaming quirkless extra."
"Ok don't blame me, you asked for it!"
I started to use my mad hatter, mind illusions on him. When I look through his memories to see what scares him I see him blushing when he first saw me. What? I guess I'll just make him see me dying in the most classic way. Sucide. Jumping off of a roof. That should make him learn.
When I make me jump I see him crying on the ground mumbling something.

Explosions of love(Bakugo x Taiyo(My oc))Where stories live. Discover now