~bakugos point of view~

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"W-WAIT I-IM SORRY TAIYO DONT JUMP!!!!" I scream. I didn't get the chance to become friends with her. Maybe I needed to be more nice.
As I am crying on the ground I mumble.
"I-im sorry Taiyo, I'm sorry, I never told you the reason I'm rude to you. I promise I'll be nice from now on just come back. I didn't get to tell you I like you..!"
Right when I said that I pass out but I feel someone on me. When I wake up I see Taiyo laying on me.
"I-is she ok?"
"Yeah she just passed out after crawling over to you." One of my minions say.
Did she feel sorry for doing that? Wait how did she know my fear was her dying? Can she look through people's memories to find out what they like and what they are scared of? I need to make sure she doesn't read my mind again. I can't have her find out.
After school one of my minions mentioned her mumbling saying something about being sorry while crawling over to me.
"What if she finds out I like her!?! What am I supposed to do then!?!?"
"Just be nicer to her and deku then you will be fine." One of my minions say.
"So that's all I need to do? Just be nicer?"
"Yeah mostly."
After all my minions went home I decided to go to taiyo's house to apologize for being mean to her and deku all their lives.
"What are you doing here katsuki?"
"I'm here to say sorry for being mean to you and deku all these years."
"Y-youre not bakugo we know! Our bakugo would never say anything like that!"
"I want to change and be nicer to people, and I wanted to know if you can help me."
"Ok ok I won't."
"Sweetie who's at the door!????"
"It's just a kid from my school wanting to give me something I left behind grandma!!!!!!"
"Ok sweetie!"
"I gotta go bakugo. Do you want to come in and stay for a little bit?"
"Y-yeah sure!" I say as I start to blush a little.
"Ok come on katsuki!"
"Who's this little boy Taiyo?"
"He's one of my friends grandma! His name is katsuki bakugo!"
" Hi I'm katsuki bakugo miss. Please call me katsuki."
"What a sweet boy."
"Grandma I'ma go up to my room and put something down ok?"
"Ok I'll make your friend some tea."
"Thank you miss."
"I know you like my granddaughter. I can read minds."
"U-uhh- please don't tell her! I-i just don't know how to tell her."
"You've been mean to her so you don't know what she will say. Just be nicer to her and in a few months you should have her. She talks about her liking you but her not wanting to be with someone mean. She wants someone that's nice and will always be there for her."
"I promise I will be kinder to her!"
"Ok. Here's your tea."
"Thank you miss!"

Explosions of love(Bakugo x Taiyo(My oc))Where stories live. Discover now