2 | bonfire

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Thomas and I followed Minho. It was dark, it was night, but the air was warm. When we arrived everyone applauded and start to drink and dance. Gally and some boy were fighting but not serious.

I looked around, there were about thirty-five boy. And I was the only girl. To be honest I was scared. But Thomas seemed like a pretty good guy. Also Frypan. He was the one who cooked for us all and he was kind.

A few minutes later, Thomas saw Newt and he sat down with him on the grass. They started to talk something quietly.

Now I was alone again. I thought about going to Frypan, but there were too many people around him. Then I saw a group of boys on the side. Even though it was dark around, they all looked athletic.

Then I saw Minho. Sitting in the middle of all boys eating food from a plate.

He suddenly turned his head and our eyes met. I quickly turned my head away. I felt the heat spread on my face. Someone called out to me as I started walking in the other direction. "Hello gorgeo-"

He coughed but even a baby would know it was fake. "Hello Greenie." I turned around, it was Gally.

"What do you want?" I said.

He handed me one of the two glasses he was holding. "Here, drink."

I took the glass he handed me but I didn't drink it. "What is it?"

"Some drink that I made." He grinned. "Don't ask the recipe. It's a secret."

He continued talking when I looked without saying anything. "Do you want to ma-"

"Back of Gally." Thomas said calmly. He stood by my side with Newt.

Gally looked Newt. "I guess your new job is to adopt Greenie's huh?"

"She's not interested in you Gally, so just let it go." Thomas said. The tension in the moment was increasing.

I even thought for a moment that they were going to fight but Minho must have noticed that he came to us. "What's going on here?"

Gally didn't say anything.

Minho grabbed my arm and pulled me, Thomas and Newt away from Gally. When the four of us got far enough from Gally and bonfire we sat on the ground.

First minho started talking. "Newt what did I tell you? And Thomas, I know you don't like him, nobody likes him, including me and Newt. But you have to stay away from him. You don't want to be punished for fighting with Gladers."

Minho looked so serious. "And Greenie-"

"It's Nova, my name is Nova." I told. Newt and Minho looked at me in surprise. "Wow that was fast. Anything you remember other than name?" Newt spoke.

"I don't think so." I looked Minho "What are you was going to say?"

Minho opened his mouth to say something but then looked at my arm. He pulled up my sleeve to look my arm. "What are you doing?!" I quickly pulled my arm back.

"Look, it's writing something on your arm." He pointed my left arm.

Then I saw it. It was my hand writing. I don't know how but i remembered that this is my writing style.

"Don't trust W.I.C.K.E.D., don't trust Teresa, Thomas is my brother." Thomas read aloud.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me now. I didn't even know who Teresa was yet.

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