5 | first night

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A/N: Trigger warning ⚠️: r@pe. 
I hope you guys are doing okay and if anything ever happened to you, I'm here for you, it's a safe place feel free to talk about anything 🤍

I didn't know what to do with the sudden fear. I felt like I was going to start shaking with fear.

Then I came to myself and looked at him. It was the boy who worked with Winston.


Just as he was about to make a move, I bit his hand and screamed. Even monsters in the maze could hear it.

"Shut up you stupid girl." He whispered-screamed.

I tried to get rid of it. But he held my hands so tight and I was hurting so much. Then I heard someone else's footsteps, but I couldn't see who it was, but suddenly he grabbed Alex from behind and threw him to the ground. Then I saw Thomas who running towards me.

I got over the shock when Thomas came to me. "What did just happened Nova? Are you okey?" He said so quickly. But I didn't answer him. I looked behind Thomas and saw Gally throwing punches at Alex, non-stop. He was the one who came first and throwing Alex to the ground.

Before long, everyone was here except for a few people. But Newt sent most people back to sleep. So everyone wouldn't know what was going on. It was a good thing.

As I collapsed to the ground, Thomas leaned over and hugged me and he summoned Minho. "Minho come here and stay with Nova." Minho came up to me but didn't seem eager. He seemed to have forgotten me from looking angrily at Alex. But then he glanced at me. "Nova tell me what happened?" I said that Alex was out of nowhere and trying to do something.

Then I looked at Thomas. He was walking briskly next to Gally, who was beating Alex.

"Gally is enough. You are gonna kill him."

Alby, Newt, and Jeff grabbed Gally and pulled him off Alex. "He was trying to r*pe Nova!" Gally yelled to others.

Thomas was next to Alex, who was now bleeding on the floor. "I think that's enough, Gally." He said. "Now it's my turn."

I hadn't heard things clearly after Gally's shout. My eyes were starting to water. I was feeling very weak. But before I turned to Minho and cried, the last thing I saw was everyone trying to get Thomas off Alex.

"Hey Nova, it's all over, now you're safe. I won't let anything like that happen again- Thomas never will." I calmed down slowly as he spoke. "I'll hold a keeper meeting in the morning and we'll make everything right, okay?"

I hugged him and stood up. Thomas trusted him. If he trusts, I trust too.

Minho and I walked to the others. Newt and Alby seemed to have handled the situation. Alby was on the sidelines trying to keep Thomas away from Alex, while Newt was holding Alex. "Alby tonight i'm giving my hut to Thomas and Nova. I sleep in Newt's hut." Minho spoke.

Gally joined the conversation. "Can we discuss Alex's punishment first? I say the Grievers are very hungry."

I looked at Alex. The fear in his eyes could not be described with the words. "No Gally please. Alby say somethings to him-"

Gally stepped forward. "Why don't you just shut the shuck up!"

Weirdest thing happened when Thomas and Minho gave death stares to Alex. Alex suddenly got rid of Newt and started running towards the Doors. "You coward!" Minho yelled and started to run after him.

It wasn't long before Minho caught him, but it didn't end there. An unseen airwave threw Minho to the ground. Then Alex continued running towards the Doors. We all ran next to Minho. "Are you okey?"

Newt slowly lifted Minho off the ground. "Yeah I'm fine but what was that?"

"Don't ask me cause I don't know either."

All of a sudden I heard a loud noise, it was coming from the Doors. "Hey look there!" Everyone suddenly stood up and looked at the Doors. "It's not time yet, how are the Doors opening?" Gally asked. And we saw Alex. He quickly entered the maze through the Doors that opened, and ten seconds later the Doors closed again.

"Right now someone tell me I'm not dreaming." Newt spoke. "Believe me you are not." Alby answered.

"Did that idiot think he could try to hurt my daughter and get away with it?"

"Doctor Paige, I think you did the right thing. After all, we need Nova for the cure."

"Shut up Janson." Ava told. "We are talking about my daughter right now. The cure comes after."

"You're right Doctor, it's my fault."

Ava looked out the window of the high floor. "Kids will question the airwave and why Alex went to the maze. They don't need to understand that we can control their minds whenever we want. At least if we're close."

"Don't worry Ava. I'll give them other things to think about."

Ava looked at him. "You better keep my daughter safe no matter what."

"No doubt about this. I already have plans; The strongest people out there are Thomas, Minho and Gally. Since Thomas is her older brother, he will protect Nova no matter what. As for Minho and Gally, I'll give both of them some feelings. Motive to protect Nova."

“Do this without doubt." Ava said. Her eyebrows were furrowed.

"Trust me on this one. After all, I do my best to protect WICKED's secret weapon."

"You better do."  Ava left the room making noise with her high heels.

what was your favorite part?

what do you think about Ava being Nova's mother?

and, what do you think about Gally?

I hope u liked it!
Ily bye! 💙💙💙

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