Chapter 1

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Rui has been thinking about Nene these past 3 months because of his proposing plan, sadly Nene doesnt have breaks, he tried to be creative so he could propose to her without any fail because of her career, so he decided to call Tsukasa for ideas.

Tsukasa hearing about his struggle was very shocked because he knew that Nene was too busy on her career, but he had an idea, "hey, why dont you appear on stage randomly bringing robo-nene on her tour outfit for every album maybe like her fearless album or lover album, so robo-nene could match with her and your outfit too, then appear on one song and bringing robo nene too like your walking a kid to her mom, then after Nene sees you and welcomes you, you start singing with her then boom! you propose her. crazy right?" Rui liked the idea, but he didnt know what song matches with a propose song, "I think nene doesnt have a marriage propose song.." Tsukasa held a sigh because she had a lot of songs and her boyfriend doesnt even know what song would fit, "Nene has a lot of songs you idiot, try appearing at love story or enchanted or something, ME AND EMU IS GOING TO THE DETROIT LAST DAY SO YOU SHOULD DO THAT ON THAT DAY!!! TELL ME IF IM GOING TO THE STAGE" Rui checked Nene's instagram to saw what date is that and saw that detroit is the last night of her tour, he was very relieved that detroit is the last date so he had a lot of time, he tried hearing Nene's Love Story song to make a scenario, "What if i appeared at the intro of love story at detroit and Robo Nene is wearing her tour outfit and im wearing like a cream blazer with cream pants with a rose badge then i walked to her then at the propose lyric i propose then at the end of the song you guys appear congratulating us and said bye bye, fun fact love story is the suprise song at that day, i got spoilers like months ago"





Rui was freaking out because he finally finishes his plans with the help of Tsukasa, before calling Nene's parents he made a script so he doesnt messes his words and stutter, after preparing everything, he called her parents and explained everything and asked permission for marrying her. Nene's parents was very shocked hearing his plans, but in the end they allowed rui to propose her on the stage.

Hearing that Rui was so happy and thanked her parents so much, he called Tsukasa and Emu to get ready because he was going to pick them up to help him pick his outfit and the marriage ring, Emu and Tsukasa was very happy hearing this exciting news and then after that they got ready and got picked up by rui.

When theyre at the mall, Rui was sprinting so fast to pick outfits, even Tsukasa and Emu couldnt catch him up so they got lost for a second but found Rui on some marriage outfit shop, when they got in they saw Rui getting confused to pick so they helped him getting one till its perfect for him. After that, they wanted to pick the wedding dress thats perfect for Nene but they dont know how to ask her without her getting suspicious, so Tsukasa video-called nene and acted like the wedding dress is for his friend, but actually the plan worked! so they were relieved and got the dress, finally after the dress is already ready, they went to the ring store.

At the ring store, Rui got a seat and admires every ring that he saw, he even daydreamed every ring that he likes, Emu knows what type of ring that nene always like, so it was easy finding the ring, they got a shiny silver ring with a diamond on top of it, Rui was too busy daydreaming that he couldnt even be distracted, but after he saw the ring that Emu picked, he loved it and buyed one for him too. After that, they all went home.

At Rui's home, he tried his wedding outfit but felt its too simple, so he added a vest and a tie under it, the outfit is very beautiful and it fits for the fearless album theme, he changed to his home clothes again and spended the rest of his day discussing the plan with the staff team at the stage.

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