Chapter 5

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Monday came, Rui woke up at 7am because of his alarm, he immediately turned it off because he was afraid waking up Nene, he knew that Nene was so tired of her tour so he tried to be quiet while doing his daily routine before going to work, even though he was quiet Nene gets up because she thought there was something leaking from the bathroom and just realized that Rui wasnt next to her so he's taking a shower. She got up and made french-toast breakfast for her and him, when Rui goes out from the shower he saw Nene making breakfast and he felt so bad for ruining her beauty sleep, "Im so sorry Nene if I woke you up" he said sorry in a low tone, "Dont worry, I know you cant eat breakfast happily without you waking me up", Nene continued making him a french toast, Rui got a seat at the dining table and watches Nene making a french toast while waiting, after she's done they got breakfast together and had a pleasent conversation about yesterday, Nene was listening what was Rui saying, well he's a fast talker so she tries to listen very good, after theyre done Rui got to work and kissed Nene on her forehead as a goodbye and went to work by his car.

After Rui got to work, Nene does her daily routine in the morning and posted something on her Instagram, she is very happy to announce her marriage with Rui in the description, after posting Nene decided to go to the grocery store to find the ingridients for her to bake a cake for celebrating that the tour went success and some cat food for her cats, she wore a black mask and a bucket hat to prevent people noticing her, a white sweater and a long skirt, after shes done getting changed she went to the grocery store walking because it wasnt very far from her house.

At the grocery store, Nene was relieved that it wasnt so crowded so she wouldnt be noticed, she took a cart and started searching baking needs and cat toys and foods.

When she was done buying the ingridients and went home, she started baking her favourite cake recipe and decorating it with whipped cream and some heart shaped chocolates and some pearl chocolate on top, she wanted to write "the tour's success celebration cake" with a pink color frosting but she forgot to buy a red food coloring, so she decided to make it sky blue and it worked! Nene was so happy with her cake results, she took a bite and it felt so soft and creamy, well she left a few piece of cake for Rui to try the cake and putted it on the freezer, she turned on an alarm on her phone and took an afternoon charge nap.

The alarm woke Nene up, she looked at the time and saw it was 3:20, she got off and chopped off some vegetables to make a salad for her to eat because she isnt in a mood for eating a lot today, in the middle of her chopping those vegetables someone knocked on the door and Nene immediately knew it was Rui, Nene opened the door and saw it wasnt only Rui, its with Tsukasa, Touya and Akito, She welcomed them and went back chopping vegetables.

While Rui, Tsukasa, Touya and Akito were helping Rui packing these invitations, they had a fun conversation about the lastest news and made fun of Rui, Nene was in her bedroom eating her salad and took a shower after shes done eating.

Nene going out from the shower heard no one talking and thought they were already starting to spread the invitations but actually theres Rui sitting on the sofa thinking about the wedding day, she decided to play her guitar and just sing whats in her head, Rui noticed her singing and started listening and voice recorded it, while listening he noticed that the "I vowed not to cry anymore, if we survived the great war" lyric was based off of a little show they made when they were kids, "Somewhere in the haze, got a sense I've been betrayed" lyric made him remember that her friends betrayed her for being shy at the theater troupe at her school, he felt sorry for her, after Nene was done singing Rui walked to her bedroom opened the door and said, "That was a really cool song Nene, I got a flashback of the show we made as kids." Nene was shocked that Rui wasnt helping spreading the invitations, "Eh? werent you supposed to help spread the invitations?", Nene asked, she was afraid that he noticed that its about him "I was too tired and I was supposed to get back home at 2pm but there was still some cars needed testing, oh yeah what was that song about? I really love the lyrics" Nene didnt want to lie to Rui, so she just told the truth, "Well you were right its based the show we made as kids , but I added some lyrics about our Middle school condition and when we planted a flower at my mothers garden, remember that? and some of my pasts." Rui had a minute flashback about them planting a flower and he placed a poppy on Nene's hair, Rui chuckled and asked, "Did you wrote the lyrics down? you should release it on your future album, I really loved that song" And Nene just realized she didnt wrote it down, "Oh fuck I didnt, I'll just try to remember it again", "Dont worry I recorded it, I'll send the voice recording later" Nene was relieved and suddenly hugged him and whispered, "Thank you for everything Rui, I wouldnt be this successful if you didnt convince me to release songs" Rui hugged her back and whispered, "Youre welcome darling" and kissed her on her forehead, after that he decided to took a shower and spent the night spending time together.

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