Chapter 3

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Finally after setting up the plans, some rehearsals, and meeting Nene's parents, the day came. Rui was so excited but very nervous doing it on 40.000++ people, he came to the stage early and took a seat at the backstage on the lightning control room so Nene wouldnt see him, Tsukasa and Emu was sitting at the front row but was wearing weird masquerade masks so Nene wouldnt notice them too, they waited at the seats while Rui was struggling getting his lines but he finally got it right, the staff right next to him was trying to help him because he only needs to turn on and off the lights and the others are working on the colors and rotation, with the help of the staff Rui finally got the lines right and made his nervous gone after some chit-chat about Nene's tour and setted up Robo-Nene and checked her script so she wouldnt be error at the middle of the stage, Rui called Tsukasa and Emu to run to the backstage by going to the exit and the backstage sign, Rui got his microphone ready and they got ready, Rui was suddenly so nervous but Tsukasa and Emu got him to calm down.

When Nene starts to play Love story, Rui got up to the stage walking with Robo-Nene, Nene noticed them and welcomed them, "Well I think theres some Impostors here, ladies and gentleman please welcome Kamishiro Rui and Robo-Nene."

The crowd was cheering so loud until Rui's ears got hurt but he was okay, they walked and danced together on the whole stage while Nene is singing, when she sang the proposing part Rui knelt his knees infront of her to the ground then pulled out the ring and continued singing, the whole crowd was so shocked and screamed so loud, Nene couldnt continue singing because she was in shock and froze, Rui asked the big question when the song ended and the whole crowd was applausing, "Nene, you are the very first person that wanted to be friends with me when I moved to that neighboorhood and the first person making me feel special and loved, I love you with my whole heart and passion that cant be expressed with only words, I deeply love you and I want you forever in my life, will you accept my proposal, Nene?" Nene shed a little tear and said, "Yes, yes I want to be by your side forever."

The whole crowd was cheering so loud and then they hugged each other for a long time, suddenly Robo Nene was opening her mouth spitting confettis all over the stage, the crowd was laughing of Robo Nene's randomness, after that Rui welcomed Tsukasa and Emu to the stage, "Well, lets say welcome to our close friends and also the worlds most known actors, Tsukasa and Emu!"

Tsukasa and Emu walked to the stage and threw their masquerades to the crowd and waved at them, They got into them and Tsukasa said, "Congratulations to the love birds that finally got married after crushing on their lover at highschool, everyone please give an applause for their marriage!"

Nene and Rui was confused but then realized that their partner has been crushing him from highschool, and they said it same time with the same tone, "YOU LIKED ME SINCE WE WERE IN HIGHSCHOOL??" Tsukasa held a sigh because they were talking about their partners to their close friends, "Nene you always talk about Rui to Emu, and Rui is always talking about Nene to me, sometimes i get annoyed but oh well" Rui slapped Tsukasa on his shoulder, "HEY I DONT TALK ABOUT NENE ALWAYS THAT TIME" Nene is still speechless from that proposal, she felt like this was a dream but suddenly realize that Emu was wearing a pig masquerade "This is insane.. okay one question for you Emu, why were you wearing a pig masquerade mask?"

The whole crowd laughed.

"Oh so I dont get caught by you! Tsukasa buyed me front row tickets, he promised me that after he ruined my white bag." Tsukasa groaned, Nene noticed that Robo Nene is still spitting out confettis out of her mouth and walking everywhere, she asked, "Hey Rui, why is robo-nene just spitting confettis there at the stage?" Rui looked back at Robo Nene and she's still spitting confettis and walking around, he made a little laugh, "Oh its just a function i made for her for this, should we end this moment with another song?" Nene thinked for a minute and decided the song, "Lets play.. the way I loved you."

The whole crowd cheered so loud and Nene started singing, Rui, Nene, Emu, Tsukasa started dancing together at the middle of the stage, they all had fun dancing and singing together, after the song is finished, they all thanked to the crowd, said goodbye and got back to the backstage.

Nene's parents met them at the backstage, Nene hugged them so tight because she finally married the person she loved so much. Rui, Nene and Nene's parents got into a conversation and Tsukasa and Emu is playing with Robo-Nene while waiting for the crowd to go home, after the conversation ended, Nene went home with Rui and Emu went home with Tsukasa.

The moments we'll never forgetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora