Chapter 7

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It was the big day, they decided to spend time together before getting a shower so they wouldnt be nervous, the wedding ceremony was at 11AM so they showered at 8AM, Nene got into her gown and styled her hair and makeup on her own because she likes doing it herself, Rui was struggling finding his perfume but actually its on Nene's room, they drove to the wedding place at 9AM and arrived at 10:47, while the guests was starting to come person by person, Rui and Nene was on the fitting room talking to their friends.

At 10:59, Rui and Nene's parents, Rui and Nene, the bridesmaids and the groomsmen got in line and started walking together at the aisle, the others got into their seats while Rui and Nene got into the stage.

The officiant started talking, "Beloved friends and loved ones, today we are gatheres to celebrate the marriage of Rui and Nene." All of the guests applaused for a minute.

Officiant: Rui, will you take Nene to be your partner, to live together in the union of marriage, to love them, to honor them, to comfort them, and to keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for the rest of your lives, as long as you both shall live?

Rui: I do.

Officiant: Nene, will you take Rui to be your partner, to live together in the union of marriage, to love them, to honor them, to comfort them, and to keep them in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for the rest of your lives, as long as you both shall live?

Nene: I do.

The officiant gave them the rings that they bought, Rui putted the ring on Nene's fourth finger, and Nene putted the ring on Rui's fourth finger and said together, "I give this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment."

Officiant: I now pronounce you husband ans wife, you may now share a kiss.

Rui and Nene kissed and the whole people attending were clapping so loud, the wedding ceremony went well and the food tasted well too, Nene decided to end the wedding ceremony singing "Love story", "Lover and "Hits Different" live with Rui for a karoake party.

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