Chapter 11

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Niall POv

I was walking into a small corner store to grab a quick snack. 

I couldn't get Harry's friend out of my mind, when I saw him stare at me with his bright blue eyes, I couldn't get him out of my mind recently. 

I found a bag of potato chips on the top shelf and tried to reach for it but couldn't. 

I groaned, curse me for being so damn short. 

I might be a vampire but I'm still small. 

"need some help?" asked a mysterious voice. 

I turned around and found the same boy who was with Harry at Starbucks. 

I noticed I was staring to long and snapped out of it.  

"oh, u-uh sure" I stuttered, he reached then grabbed the chips and handed it to me. 

"t-thank you" I stuttered thanking him. 

"um your welcome, I'm Louis by the way" he said as he put his hand out for me to shake it. 

"I'm Niall, it's nice to meet you" 

"I know, your Zayn Malik's friend" he said, "I have you for English class". 

He does? Oh my god, how couldn't I notice him before?! 

I can't believe I didn't notice something as beautiful as him! 

"oh, I never seen you" I said as we walked to the counter. 

"that's because I sit at front at the corner" he chuckled as I was paying for my chips. 

Well that explains it, I sit at the way back. 

"oh we'll thanks again, you know f-for the chips" I told him. 

"no problem" he smiled, he has a great smile. 

I was walking out of the store, then I heard Louis calling after me. 

I turned around and saw he gorgeous blue eyes, wow. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime?" he asked me. 


"sure, when?" I asked. 

"how about tomorrow, after school?"  

"yeah tomorrow is great"  

"great, let me give you my number" he said as we exchanged phones and typed eachother's number in. 

When we exchanged back, I looked up and noticed him staring at me, I blushed. 

"so I guess I'll see you tomorrow, goodbye" I told him. 

"bye" he said as I watched him walk away. 

I could smell his scent from here. 

Hmm carrots, I like it a lot. 

Vampires aren't suppose to fall for humans, Draco said so. 

But I guess I'm falling for him already.


Draco POV

"yes my lord, will you excuse me" I excused my one of my servers. 

Vampires should listen to my words more, I ended up sending my server to capture on of those blood suckers, he shall have the consequence of being broken into ice. 

"my lord, I have report a crime to you" said another of my severs, I looked away from my work, a crime? 

"and what shall that crime be?" I asked., I stood and walked over to him. 

"may I?" he nodded and layed out his Han as I grabbed it. 

Let's see what's the problem.


Zayn Malik,  

I see him smiling, having a nice time, 

So what's the problem? 

"Zayn, stop paying for my stuff!" what's this I see? 

A human boy with light brown hair and hazel eyes with Zayn, interesting. 

"Justin like I said, anything for you"  

Oh so the human's name is Justin, I still do see- 

"Justin, I love you" said Zayn. What did he just say? 

"I love you more Zayn" Justin said. 

"not as much as I love you" Zayn had said after his lips has met with the human's. 

This is despicable ! They betrayed me, they said they would break my word!


I let go of my server's hand, this calls for drastic measures. 

The boys have lied to me, they promised me they weren't going to break any of my words. 

"Mercutio" I called to one of my servers. 

"my lord?" he asked me. 

"get Michael and Jadelyn, we have a consequence to give" I said mischievously. 

Those boys will pay for playing with me, I have some ice to break.

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