Chapter 13 (part 2)

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Harry POV

I was at Liam and Niall's house with Louis. I realized Zayn hasn't been around when Justin was gone, so Liam and Niall explained to us why Zayn hid Justin.

They also told us about their leader's rule about falling in love with a human.

Those vampires are looking for my best friend to kill him which makes me sick, not to mention Justin's mom being in the hospital being depressed and worried. She really wants Justin back, so does Louis. Louis took it really hard when I told him Justin was missing, he cried for 5 days straight and still does, he really means that much for us, and that's why I'm going to find him. Not just for me and Lou, but mainly for momma pattie.

I was sitting on the couch just wondering in my own thoughts when Niall came in the room.

"hey Harry, do you mind going to the store and getting some milk?" he asked.

Well I don't have nothing else better to do.

"sure, why not" He handed me the money and I left to the store.

As I got to the store I noticed a boy with black hair and tanned skin.

Ong that's Zayn! I found Zayn!

"ZAYN!" I yelled out.

He turned around to see who called him, his eyes widen when he saw me.

Its time to bring Justin back.


Zayn POV

"ZAYN!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I turned around and happened to find Harry, my eyes widen, oh shit.

"H-Harry? W-what you-"

"Zayn enough with that crap, I need to see how Justin is, he needs to come home" he told me seriously. No I can't let Justin go home yet it's not safe.

"Harry I can't it's not safe"

"I don't see those bloodsuckers around here, Liam and Niall told me everything that's going on, those vampires disappeared they gave up"

"there just hiding Harry, they don't give up that easy"

"then at least let me see Justin, Zayn please I beg of you please?" he said begging on his knees. Harry looked horrible, he looked pale and had dark bags under his eyes. I could imagina Louis being worse tho, I hate doing this to them, but I had to protect the love of my life. I'll just let him see him.

"okay I'll let you see him then" I told him.

"thank you" he said hugging me tightly.

He went off to our secret area and found Justin inside the cabin.

"Justin!" yelled Harry.

Justin turned around and his eyes widen.

"Harry!" he yelled running to Harry and hugging tightly.

"I missed you so much Hazza"

"not as much as I missed you JB"

"what you doing here anyways?"

"I wanted to see my best friend, Louis is taking this situation hard, he has been crying for days now he really misses you" said Harry, gosh I hate hurting people.

"I didn't know that, I misses you guys two but I can't go back yet, Draco is still after me it isn't safe yet Haz" said Justin, he gets the picture of the situation.

"but Justin, you have to! Your mom is-"

"my mom?! What about my mom?!" he asked loudly.

"she is at the hospital Justin, those vampires came at your house and destroyed it, you mon had a panic attack now she isn't doing well since your not there"

Oh no, I just hurt Justin's mother, I hate myself right now.

"Zayn, we have to go back, I need to see Louis but mainly mom please?" he begged me.

Maybe it is sort of time to go back now, Justin has to see Louis, his mom, and my best mates.

I could still protect him with the help of Liam and Niall by my side.

"okay, let's go back your things then. We're leaving now"

We ended up backing all our stuff and leaving the cabin.

We got to my house, wow I miss it here.

We walked inside and heard some talking coming from the living room.

"Niall? Liam?" they looked up and ran to hug me.

"Zayn, I missed you" cried Niall.

"so did I, Nialler" I told him.

Justin came in the room, which Louis looked up and his eyes widen.

"Justin, JUSTIN!" shouted Louis as he ran to Justin.

"LOUIS!" Justin ran up to him as well.

They hugged each other so tight, tears of joy streaming down their faces.

I smiled, I guessed I made the right decision.

After that short reunion, we just chatted and catched up.

We were all smiling, having a great time until I heard a noise in the living room.

"We'll go check it out" said Louis followed by Justin.

"um I think it's best if I check" I don't want Justin going there.

"I'll be fine Zayn" he and Louis went to living room.

"Harry can you pass me-"

"ZAAAYYNN!!!!" that sounded like Louis.

Liam, Niall, and Harry ran to the living room and found Louis on the floor in fear.

I looked up and found Aledia, Jadelyn, and Michael standing there followed by Michael holding an unconscious Justin in his arms.

"NO!" I ran up to Michael but a pain shocked my whole body, Jadelyn was using he powers on me, the power is causing pain to the body.

I was on the ground feeling the pain run through my body.

"ZAYN!" I heard then I blacked out.


I opened my eyes revealing Niall in front of me.

"Liam, he's awake!" Liam and Harry came running to me.

"hey mate? You alright?"

"what happened?"I asked them.

They looked at eachother hesitant to say anything.

I looked around and found Louis crying, Niall comforting him, Harry with some tears, and Liam with his head down.

"w-where's Justin?" no answer.

"WHERE'S JUSTIN?!" I shouted, I'm freaking out right now.

Liam finally answer but gave me the response I didn't want hear.

"they took him Zayn. Aledia, Michael, and Jadelyn came in and took him. Jadelyn used he power on you then you blacked out. We tried to fight back but they got away"

No, this can't be happening. This couldn't have, I love Justin but Draco has caught him. I promised him that nothing would happen. This all my fault, I knew it wasn't safe.

"NOOO!!! JUSTIN, JUSTIN NOOOO!!!" I shouted with tears streaming down my face, I was trying to get up but Liam pushing me back.

"come down Zayn, were getting him right here and now" he told me seriously.

If Liam is serious, he is honest.

We getting my Justin back once and for all.

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