Chapter 12

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Liam POV

"Louis don't touch that, it's not yours" said Justin.

"oh calm down baby Justin I'm not going to-" Louis was cut off by a vase falling but thankfully Niall sensed it and catches it quickly.

"see what he tells you" says Harry as Louis just shrugs.

I chuckled, their friendship is just like mines with Zayn and Niall.

Zayn, Niall, and I had invited Justin with his best friends Harry and Louis.

I'm glad I gave Justin as chance, I was wrong about him. He and his friends. I decided to tell Louis about our kind, if we could trust Justin and Harry, then why not Louis right?

I looked at Harry chuckling at Louis giving love bites to Justin to make Zayn jealous.

Oh how I love the way he smiles, the way his dimples shows, I love it.

I finally admitted to myself that I fell for Harry .

I couldn't resist his looks and personality.

We all just watched movies, talked, and had lots of laughs.

"get home safe, okay?" said Zayn talking Justin and holding his hands.

"I will babe, stop worrying" said Justin.

"never tell me to stop worrying about you" said Zayn as he kissed Justin softly.

I wish that was me and Harry, we would of been so happy together but I think he doesn't feel the same way.

"bye nialler, I'll see you tomorrow babe" said Louis.

"bye Lou-Bear" said Niall as they pecked each others lips.

Even Niall has found love, Louis and Niall have started dating so I'm kind of left in the sand, don't get me wrong, I happy for Niall and Zayn but I just wished Harry felt the same way towards me, guess we aren't meant to be.

"bye Liam, see you tomorrow" said Harry.

"bye Harry, get home safe" I told him, we smiled at eachother and they left.

"well mates, let's clean this mess up and hit the hay" I told Zayn and Niall.

Just as we were about to clean up, there was a knock on our door.

"I'll get it" I said as I opened the door.

Oh no. Their here for us. Michael and Jadelyn, their Draco's servers.

Every vampire can tell since they wear black clothes and a black cap.

"hello Liam, it's nice to see you again" Michael said mischievously with his red eyes just staring right at me.

Oh no, they've come for us.

I try shouting the door as fast as I can be they push on the door and it flew again causing me fall all the way across the living room.

"where's the boy Liam?!" growled Jadelyn as she pulled me up a little to her face.

Boy? What does she mean-

JUSTIN ! Oh my god we have to get them away from him as possible.

"I'LL NEVER TELL!" I yelled kicking her across the room.

I jumped up, Michael starts swinging at me, I blocked almost every punch he try to get on me,

until he finally got me by punching me my face and throwing me to the ground.

He was coming towards me until Niall had tackled him and threw him across they room.

"LIAM!" shouted Zayn as Jadelyn got up and started fighting Niall.



Zayn POV

"THEIR HERE FOR US ZAYN! BUT THEY WANT JUSTIN GET HIM OUT!" shouted Liam as he was blocking Michael's punches.

No they can't be after Justin, if they want him their going to have to thru me first!

As I turned around to run upstairs, someone was blocking me. Aledia.

"hello Zayn" god she scared me, she is one of Draco's main servers, she catches anyone she has to capture. No wonder Draco sent her, oh shit.

"Aledia" I said as I was backing away but she kept walking towards me.

"where is he Zayn? Let's just make this easy and not hurt your best mates"

"I'm not telling you or the other bloodsuckers, none of you are getting near my Justin"

"we'll see about that Malik" she said as she pushed me through the wall.

We both stood up and fought, I blocked some punches but she did get good hits.

I kicked her across the staircase and jumped out the window.

I ran to my car and drove as fast as I can to Justin's house.


I finally made it to his house, got out, and jumped to his window.

"Zayn what you doing here?" he asked me.

"Justin we got to get out of here now" I said as I grabbed he gym bag and stuffed ransoms clothes in it.

"w-why? W-what's going on?" he stuttered.

"I'll explain later, just grab some things so I can get you out"

He just did what I told him to do, and stuffed as much close in his gym bag as he can.

He started heading for my car, I put his bag in the trunk, headed to the drivers seat.

"Justin get in, let's go" I told him.

He looked at me then his house with his watery tear eyes.

Oh how much I hate doing this, taking away from his home, his mom, Harry and Louis!

But I have if I want him safe.

"Justin, come on!" I yelled.

He ran to my car and got in, I looked at him as he wiped a tear streaming down his cheek.

I grabbed his hand and shortly smiled at him.

I held on to his hand and started the car.

And we drove off.

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