Chapter 4

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Next morning..(Minor family house)

Vegas pov...

Vegas wake up and about to walk towards the bathroom and feel something is off.. Vegas touch his hair and suddenly feel shock as he can't feel it... Vegas quickly walk towards the mirror and feel shock even more as he see his hair is bald, his face also cover with a tattoos and a bit of scratch.. Vegas then scream and fall on the floor while hugging himself.. 'Aaah!!! No! It can't be! What the hell is happening to me?!' Suddenly.. Vegas hear a footsteps running towards his room and open the door.. Vegas then see his younger brother.. Macau standing in front of him and feel shock as well... Macau starts to tremble and ask..' P.. Phi V.. Vegas... W.. What h.. happen t.. t.. to y.. y.. you?'.. Vegas tears start to fall out from his eyes and remain silent on the floor... Mr Karn suddenly appear and feel shock as he see Vegas condition...

Vegas then speak up.. 'Pa.. I don't want to go to school... If Uncle or Phi Khun ask.. Just tell them... Im sick... Vegas then get up and walk back to his bed and hide himself inside of the blanket..Mr Karn and Macau look at each other and leave the room then go downstairs to the kitchen... Vegas then pop out his head and cry in silence...

Meanwhile at Porsche house..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche wake up as he hears a door knock... Porsche then walk towards the door and open it then see Nampheung and Chay.. Porsche smile and say.. 'Good morning Mae.. good morning Chay..' Chay then reply back.. 'Morning phi... Go and take a shower na..' Nampheung smile and walk towards Porsche bed and start to tidy up the room... Porsche sigh heavily and say'.. Mae.. I will tidy up later'.. Chay chuckle and help Nampheung to tidy up the room as well meanwhile Porsche is taking a shower..

At Minor family house...

Vegas pov...

Vegas decide not to go to school and stay in his room.. Suddenly.. There's a door knock.. Vegas then ask 'Who is it? I already said just now.. I don't want to go to school! Leave me alone!'Mr Karn sigh from outside of the room and say..' Vegas.. I already call a doctor.. And the doctor is here now.. Please let the doctor to check on you Vegas..'Vegas sigh then get out from the bed and quickly find a hoodie to cover up his body.... Vegas then open the door and look at the doctor with a sharp eyes.. The doctor is about to scream but got stop by Macau... Macau then say with a calm voice..' Please calm yourself doctor.. We just need your help.. Please check on him... We need to know.. What's happening to phi Vegas.. Why Phi Vegas is like this now? The doctor then go inside Vegas room and say..' Please have a sit Mr Vegas.. Let me check on you..

Without wasting any time.. The doctor check on Vegas and look at Mr Karn and Macau then say with a calm tone..' Mr Karn.. Theres nothing wrong with your son... To be honest.. I never found any disease like this... Is there anything that happened to you lately Mr Vegas?' Vegas shake his head as he give them a signal that he didn't have any idea what's going on with him.. Macau then say..' Its ok doctor.. Thank you for coming.. Come.. Let me escort you'..Mr Karn then reply back.. Its ok Macau.. Please look after your brother.. Pa will escort the doctor.. 'The doctor bow and follow Mr Karn until they reach the front gate.. Mr Karn then shake hand with the doctor and say..' Thank you for coming and Im sorry if I trouble you.. 'The doctor smile and reply back' Its ok Mr Karn.. Its my job to treat people.. Let Mr Vegas rest for 1 day.. If anything.. Please let me know.. I will go now.. The doctor bow once again and leave the Minor family house..

At school...

Porsche finally arrive and park his bike and go inside the school and see his friends already waiting for him..Tay and Time along with Pete waves at Porsche with a big smile on their faces... Porsche then smile back and say.. 'Good morning guys'.. Arm and Pol appear out of nowhere and hug Porsche then say.. 'good morning Porsche!'.. Porsche turn around and see Arm and Pol then give them a warm hug.. Pol then notice Kinn is coming with Thankhun and Kim but Vegas is nowhere to be seen... Arm then ask.. 'Ai Pol.. Whats wrong? Porsche.. Time.. Tay and Pete turn their gaze towards Pol.. Porsche then ask..' Where is Vegas? 'Tay scoff and ask back..' Why you suddenly thinking about him Porsche? Its not even worth it! 'Come on.. Lets go to the class.. Then.. All of them go to the class... As soon as Porsche arrive at his class.. Porsche also noticed that Katherine also absent... Porsche then sit down and start to think about Vegas.. Sir Thankun then walk into the class and greet his beloved student and notice Vegas is absent... Thankhun also noticed Katherine is absent as well... Time then speak up and say.. 'Excuse me sir Thankhun... But Katherine and Vegas aren't coming today..'Thankhun then nod and start teaching..

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