Chapter 20

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Next day at Lireo..

All of the fairies along with the soldiers pay a last respect for Porsche... Vegas start to feel weak and kneel down in front of Porsche and cry again.. Kim hug Vegas and say... 'Vegas.. Please.. Don't do this.. You need to let him go...' Imaw then say... 'May God bless your soul dear Porsche Kittisawat.. May you rest in peace in Devas.. We hope that you will have a save journey..' Amihan wipe her tears and say.. 'We will miss you Porsche.. Thank you for everything... Please send a regards to King Raquim and Queen Minea..' Alena stroke Porsche head and say.. 'Please look after Kahlil for me..' Nampheung and Chay kiss Porsche forehead and say.. 'Please watch us from above na my child... Please send our regards to your father....' Vegas then get up and kiss Porsche lips softly and say..'Farewell my love.. I promise.. I will take care of my self.. I will look after your family.. And.. I promise.. I will avenge your death...' Vegas kiss Porsche forehead and see the butterfly start to surround Porsche dead body.. Cassieopeia then say.. 'The butterfly is here everyone.. Porsche is ready to go to Devas..' Vegas cry as he see his beloved finally dissappear... Erica hug Eric and say.. 'Its all my fault Eric...' Eric then say.. 'No Erica.. Don't say that.. None of us want this to happen.. Its an accident..'
Hitano pat Vegas and Kim shoulder and say.. 'We need to go back inside now...We must prepare for the last battle..' Pirena then reply back while look at everyone.. 'We will fight until our last breath'..Everyone go inside Lireo main hall to have a discussion...

At Katherine Palace...

Katherine is enjoying drinking her wine with her minions.. Andorra.. Kinn along with Amarro.. Katherine suddenly think about something and say.. 'We also need to prepare for the last battle everyone.. Because right now.. I can feel that bastard Porsche will return as a spirit and defeat our army's.. We must attack them tonight! Go and ask our army's to prepare for the last battle now!' Andorra.. Kinn and Amarro nod and start to give a signal to their army's...

At Lireo..

Amihan pov..

Amihan look at everyone at the main hall and say..' Alright everyone! Tonight.. We will have a final battle with Katherine's army's.. So.. As your queen.. I hope you guys will be save.. Either we win or lose.. Die or alive.. Everything is depend on this battle! And I hope.. A luck and victory will be on our side tonight! For Lireo! For Adamya! For Sapiro! 'All the armys cheer and start to get ready for the battle.. Carina look at Vegas with a worry expression and walk towards him and say..' Lets pray for the best Vegas.. We all lose Porsche.. But he will always remain in our heart forever and never fade away.. 'Vegas then reply back..' I really miss him Carina.. I can't even imagine my life without him.. 'Vegas hug his knees and cry again.. Kim rub Vegas back and say..' Come on Vegas.. We need to get ready now.. 'Vegas stop crying and look at Nampheung and Porchay then ask..' Queen Amihan... What about Porsche's mother and little brother? Are they going to stay in Lireo until the battle is over? 'Danaya reply back and say..' Don't worry.. Me and Alena will send them back.. 'Kim walk towards Nampheung and Porchay then say..' Never mind.. I will send them back.. Mrs Nampheung.. Porchay.. Come with me.. I will send you both back to human world..'Suddenly.. Muros see a group of pixies start to appear in the air and yell.. ' Everyone! Please get ready! We already receive a signal from the pixies!'Our enemies are coming! Get ready now!' Kim take Nampheung and Porchay then teleport to human world and say.. 'Stay here... Everything will be fine.. Pray for Porsche... I hope we will win this battle tonight..I need to go now..' Kim bow and dissappear...

At Devas.. (Heaven for all fairies)..

Muyak pov..

Muyak is enjoying the view.. Suddenly.. Theres a light appear... Arriana fly towards Muyak and ask..' My friend.. What is that?! We need to tell Ardes! Devas door is open again!' Ardes quickly come towards Muyak and Arriana and ask.. 'Dear little fairies.. What's happening?' King Raquim.. Queen Minea and also Kahlil come towards Ardes and look from far.. Kahlil then say.. 'Dear Lord Ardes.. It seems.. We receive another fallen warrior.. Lets go there and check who is it..' Ardes nod and walk towards Porsche and say.. 'Oh no.. This is Porsche Kittisawat! A new keeper of Air Gem!' King Raquim feel shock and ask.. 'What happen to him?' Muyak then see a vision and say.. 'My Lord.. Lireo will having another battle with Katherine' s armys... What should we do now?'

Porsche open his eyes slowly and look around and feel shock to see Lord Ardes and others.. Porsche start to feel afraid and about to escape but got stop by Queen Minea.. Queen Minea then say..' Its ok my child.. Don't be afraid.. Right now.. You are in Devas.. A heaven to all fairies and the one who is already dead.. Im Queen Minea.. This is my husband.. King Raquim.. That is my daughter son.. Kahlil.. That one is our guardian.. Lord Ardes.. And these little pixies is Muyak and Arriana...Also.. the last one is Alvira Naswen.. 'Porsche fix his position and get down from the bed and say..' Those 4 sanggre's sent their regards to you.. 'King Raquim hug his wife and say..'At least.. our daughters still remember us Minea..' Ardes then say.. 'Porsche.. Your father is not here.. Because he isn't from Lireo..' Porsche nod and reply back.. 'Its ok Lord Ardes..' Porsche tears start to come out from his eyes as he remember Vegas.. Kim.. and his family.. Kahlil hold Porsche shoulder and ask.. 'You miss them aren't you?' Porsche look at Kahlil and say...'Yes..I miss them very much..' Ardes smile and reply.. 'Well.. I will send you all to join the fight in Lireo.. If you success.. I promise.. I will give you guys a reward.. Including you Porsche..I still have a words with Porsche.. The rest of you.. get ready for the battle..' Kahlil.. King Raquim.. Alvira dissappear except Queen Minea and pixies.. Ardes touch Porsche shoulder and say..'Porsche.. You must be the one who need to kill Katherine.. Take this sword Porsche..' Porsche look at the sword and take it carefully and look at Ardes.. Ardes then say.. 'Stab right toward her heart Porsche.. Once after you settle... Take Vegas and Kim then teleport to human world.. And.. As a reward.. I will give you a 2nd chance to live as a human.. And also.. You can live in human world with your love ones.. Please take care of your self in Lireo Porsche.. Focus on the battle.. Don't worry about others.. After the battle is over.. I will share this news to the people in Lireo.. 'Queen Minea then reply.. I will give you a blessing from here.. As for Muyak.. Please follow Porsche and keep eye on him during in battle.. As for Arriana.. Ardes will send you to join the battle as well..' Arriana bow and say.. Thank you so much Beloved Lord Ardes..' Arriana then teleport to Lireo follow up by Porsche and Muyak.. Minea then say..'I really hope the victory will be on our side Lord Ardes..' Ardes then say.. Lets go to Lireo now..'Minea nod and teleport to Lireo with Ardes..

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