Chapter 14

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Vegas pov..

Vegas walk towards the gate and see Thankun and Kim already standing in front of the gate.. Vegas smile at them as he open the gate to give them an entrance.. Khun hug Vegas and ask.. ' are you doing hmm?I guess you aren't alone in this house'..while playfully push Vegas then laugh... Kim then ask.. 'Where is Porsche?Im worry about him Vegas..' Vegas smile and say.. 'Well.. he is inside Kim.. Go ahead..' Kim nod and go into the house and see Porsche is serving the food on the table.. Porsche then see Kim is standing there by looking at Porsche with a worry in his eyes.. Kim run towards Porsche and hug Porsche tight and say..' I miss you so much Porsche... Where the hell have you been hmm?' Kim kiss Porsche forehead and hug him again.. Vegas and Thankhun watch both of them from the corner and smile.. Khun rub Vegas back body and whisper 'Don't feel jealous Vegas... Please don't be mad at Kim later.. He is always like that.. He look quite sad actually..' Vegas smile and pat Khun shoulder and say...'Maybe Kim will replace me Khun... I mean.. if something happens to me later... I will give Porsche to Kim.. Because I trust Kim more..' Kim then kiss Porsche lips softly and say.. Stay close to me Porsche.. I don't want to lose you again.. '

Porsche then say.. the food is ready! Come and eat! Vegas then come and sit beside Porsche while Khun is sitting beside Kim.. Vegas then look at them and frown and ask..' By the way.. Is there anything that you want to say boys? You both look a bit stress.. What happen?' Khun shake his head and smile as he try to hide his sadness.. Porsche sigh slowly and say.. 'Sir Thankun.. Please tell us.. what's happening? Khun Kim.. Please say something..' Kim clear his throat and reply back.. 'Well.. Kinn is missing..' Pa and other bodyguards already looking for him everywhere but Kinn is nowhere to be found..'Vegas and Porsche look at each other silent.. Khun then reply back..' Now.. mind to tell me.. what actually happened to you Vegas? You should come to school today.. And you as well Porsche..' Suddenly.. Carina and Eric appear and  look at Vegas and Porsche then bow.. Kim then look at them with a sharp eyes and ask.. 'Who are you guys and what are you doing here?How did you know this place? What do you want from them?' Eric chuckle and say.. 'My name is Eric.. And this is Carina.. She is Katherine twin sister.. We are here for visiting..' Thankun get up and bow as well then say.. 'Please make yourself at home Miss Carina and Eric.. Kim.. We must go now.. We need to go back to our house.. Maybe Kinn is already at home now..'

Kim scoff and say.. 'Khun.. That bastard Kinn already went missing.. We didn't know where the hell he is right now..' Carina then use her power and see Katherine and Kinn are talking to each other.. Vegas feel shock as he see Kinn and Katherine are talking.. Porsche then say..' Katherine will use Kinn to fight against us Miss Carina.. What should we do now? 'Eric then reply back..' Vegas.. Porsche.. Lets go to institute now.. Use your power.. We will see you there soon.. Let's go Carina.. 'Carina nod and dissappear with Eric.. Kim then ask..' what was that all about? What power are they talking about? Porsche then say.. 'Im sorry Khun Kimm.. but it looks like.. We have something need to be settle.. You and Sir Thankhun need to go now.. Lets go Vegas!'Porsche hold Vegas hands and dissappear..' Kim then say.. 'We must go after them Khun! We can't let Vegas and Porsche fight with those people.. We don't even know them well..' Khun pat Kim shoulder and answers back.. 'We can't do that Kim.. Its none of our business.. Let Vegas and Porsche handle them.. Vegas and Porsche still owe us an explanation.. For now.. lets go back..' Kim sigh and go back to main family house with Thankun..

At Katherine place..

Katherine pov..

Katherine are enjoying the view with a glass of wine in her hands.. Kinn hug Katherine from behind and kiss her cheek and ask..' Whats our next plan? 'Katherine then put the wine away and say..' We will destroy our sister place... We must train our army Kinn.. 'Kinn then ask..' Is it fun for you to manipulate me like this Katherine? You do this for your own good aren't you? 'Katherine push Kinn away and say..' Yes! Im just manipulated you your dumbass! Ohh.. My sweet little boy.. You look so fool right now! 'Katherine laugh evilly and say..' I know you didn't want to do this Kinn.. But remember.. If you dare to leave or refuse to join this battle.. You know what will happen to your brothers!'Katherine then walk away from the balcony and leave Kinn alone.. Kinn then speak in his heart..' Even I need to die.. I won't regret it.. You are the one who are fool Katherine.. You gonna lose for sure'.. Kinn smirk and leave..

Vegas.. Porsche.. Carina and Eric arrives at the institute.. Anne then ask.. 'What happen guys? Why you and Eric look so tense?' Erica and David also appear and look at Carina and Eric.. David then ask 'Is this about Katherine again? Im so lazy to deal with that bitch!' Anne then say.. Carina.. You and Eric go to Lireo Palace and to talk to Hara Amihan.. Cassieopeia must be there too.. Me Erica and David will help to train Vegas and Porsche'..Eric then reply back.. 'I think we should go together.. Maybe their general can help to train Vegas and Porsche.. We only have a weapon but we don't have any armour with us remember? Carina then say..' Alright.. We must go to Lireo Palace now.. As for Vegas and Porsche.. You guys no need to feel afraid.. They were my friends.. Our friends.. You both can trust them.. Let's go guys!' All of them dissappear and teleport to Lireo Palace..

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