hell returning part 2

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Shane pov

IV been trying to find this bitch for over a year . I finally was able to track fe rto California. I flew out to Yuma az I couldn't afford a direct flight and stole a bronco. I put chains in the back and painted it black. This bitch will be mine again if I have to chain her like a dog.

She lied and got my locked up. She took my kid . Terminated my rights. And then had the gawd to bring her fuckin boyfriend to the hearing. Fuckin whore.

The judge just took her word for everything. I hurt her because that what woman are they deserve to be beating if they flirt with others. They deserve to die and I almost succeeded. I wish I would've just shot her. Be better than she deserves.

I went to San Francisco then when she wasn't there I went to la. I asked a local cop if they knew her and pretended she was still my wife. They informed me she resembled an officer Luca from swat so I found swat headquarters and waited.

I saw her heading out with the blond guy and followed them. They picked up some brats and my kid. They all went to some doctors office and then home . I wanted to grab her but Blondie needed to be gone.

I had some equipment from I stole from my old job so I snuck up and put the Mike to a window. I looked thru and guessed it was there room.

After putting the kids to bed I finally heard them come in. I wanted to record them to show how close I could get.

I waited getting some audio then I heard "fuck Dom" and moans .

I use binoculars and saw that they were fuckin . I finally hear "yes fuck Dom fuck " and I'd had enough
I pulled my computer out and used the last ten minutes and created a 30 second audio file with the computer voice saying ur new beats are cute.

I set it to send to her and I watch as it did. Blondie called someone and the fuckin swat team pulled up. They took her the babies to there head quarters and some other dude went I guess to get Ethan.

I followed them back and waited till late to see how close I could get.

Just my luck I hear someone exit and it was the one person I wanted to see.

"Sup whore " I said

"U need to go" she tried to back up but I was faster

"Nah need to teach u a lesson" I said as I punched her in the face

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