Prove Thyself - 汝自身を証明せよ

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The Master has requested that you be sent on your first mission, but you're filled with apprehension. You've only had a few months to train, your swordsmanship skills still need a lot of work, and you've barely scratched the surface of using Total Concentration. However, you chose this path knowing the dangers, so all you can do now is hope that you've learned enough to push through this daunting task, and that everything will work out in the end.

 However, you chose this path knowing the dangers, so all you can do now is hope that you've learned enough to push through this daunting task, and that everything will work out in the end

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The darkness envelops you, with only the moon's soft glow casting light. There's an unsettling silence as you and Shinobu stare at each other, her words slowly sinking in. As tendrils of anxiety and fear slither through your veins, a paradoxical calmness settles upon you, shrouding your senses in haunting stillness. It's an odd tranquility, as if the world around you has been muted, holding you in a suspended state.

The air feels heavy, each breath a struggle to draw in, and an invisible weight presses down on your chest, constricting and tightening. Your heart doesn't race like you thought it would after hearing such news; instead, it pulses with a fervor that seems out of sync, creating a discordant melody resonating throughout your being—its echoes reverberating within the hollows of your chest.

The sensation, although unsettling, carries a strange kind of familiarity, like an old acquaintance returning to haunt your thoughts.

"What...? Are you serious?"

"Yes, unfortunately I am." Shinobu's expression shifts, her brows pinched together. "I had voiced my concerns over the matter, but it's unlike the Master to make decisions without careful consideration," she sighs. "I don't completely agree with it, but we must trust that he is making the right choice..."

"I can't... I only have a few months of training! I've only learned close-up combat so far, and just started to get the hang of using the training sword recently. Oh, and not to mention that Total Concentration is still way out of my reach!"

"Unfortunately, you must go on this mission and carry out your duties."

"But— I'm going to die, you realize that, right?"

"You will not die," she says firmly, "you will be fine."

"How can you say that?! I have little to no experience, and demons are powerful, cold-blooded monsters who will not hesitate to rip me to shreds!"

"Not all demons are as strong as you think. In a way, this mission will serve as your Final Selection, to prove that you are capable of fighting demons alongside other Corps members. I don't believe it will be too difficult, given how quickly you've progressed thus far. And you won't be alone as far as I know, but still... please be careful."

No one had ever mentioned a Final Selection to you before. You knew Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke went through it, but you never thought it would apply to you. It makes sense, but you're confused as to why you're being sent out on a mission when you're still learning and growing as a Demon Slayer. You feel like you've only scratched the surface and have so much more to do before you're truly ready. Tanjiro and Zenitsu barely made it through their Final Selection, and they had more training than you, so this feels like a death sentence.

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