Cruel mothers

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After dropping Timmy off the next day, I headed to the library for first hour. I finished my report by the end of the day.

When I walked in side my house there was this golden light again. It drifted to me. I panicked and tried to back away.

"Coralline don't be afraid. I have come to warn you. Those dark 'shadows' are not safe. You know too much. Once they realize you have processed it, they will kill you. Humans on earth are not supposed to know anything past life. You humans are meant to face it on your own and then move on. The dangers of you knowing more than past your own knowledge is not a privilege. Knowing everything will only cause you to unlock your memories, placing you higher than anyone else. The Fallen angels do not want you here. You are a threat to them. If you continue this way you will become higher than anyone else. Though you will be high you will be placed as a ghost, because of the involvement of the fallen angels. Please Coralline, be careful. I cannot stay long, fore I have to go." Before I could say anything to stop him or her, they were gone. What does it mean if I continue? Continue what? I grabbed my keys.

Riding home from picking up Timmy I noticed Mom was home. We walked inside together seeing that Mom was paying bills at the table.

She looked at me like she wanted to talk, "Timmy go to your room for just a minute, please." He ran off ready to go play with his Legos as I sat at the table with mom.

"Coralline you're going to need to get a job I can't pay all these bills by myself. You are of the age to move out yet you are still here so you are going to have to pitch in," she didn't look at me once as she placed money in certain envelopes.

"What do you mean I have to pitch in? For one I'm your daughter and two I do most of the work around here."

"I'm not discussing this with you Coralline. Either get a job or move out." I went upstairs almost furious.

How could she be so stupid? Who was going to take care of Timmy if I was gone? I needed to get out of the house. I grabbed my report as a reason to leave. It needed to be turned in anyways.

Trampling down the stairs I heard Mom, "Where are you going?"

"I'm getting out I have to turn in my report."

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