Dinner date ?

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You had a very chilled day of running errands in your local area and just chilling in the flat.

6:00pm rolled around so you decided to get ready for dinner. You had a shower and shaved your legs so you could wear a black dress Brad brought you for your birthday. It was stunning. You styled your hair with mosse and aloud it to air dry as you did your makeup. You did simple makeup to match the simple black dress with simple black heels. You sent a fit check video to Brad to show him you were wearing his dress. You hadn't told him about Kai as you know he would instantly freak out and think the worst so you thought you would see where it was going and if you needed to tell him first.

Your taxi arrived at 7:30pm and took you right outside the restaurant where Kai was standing. You gave him a hug and headed in. "You look very nice tonight" he said you said "you don't look to bad yourself I suppose" with a light laugh.
The meal was so good, you spilt the bill and then decided to go for drinks at a bar just down the road. The whole time he spoke in the bar all you could think about was the time Brad brought you to his family bar and introduced you to all his friends from home,family and how proud he was of you and how you completed your first year of your diploma. Oh how you missed him. You called it a night after 3 drinks a wave of tiredness came over you and you were no longer in the mood to be in heels or in a bar. You ordered a taxi and Kai waited with you till it arrived. He was pretty drunk and was becoming muscular more confident highlighting his intentions. When your taxi arrived Kai tried to mention about coming home with you to your flat but he stumbled over his words so much it was mumble. So you politely declined and shut the door quickly. You could tell he didn't like that as he tried to pull the door open but you told the driver to drive away quickly.
Your phone would not stop ringing the whole car journey home and all night. Then he began texting so you blocked his number. You wondered how someone can become so obsessed over meeting someone twice. Alcohol does weird things to people.

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