Welcome back to London

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Brad's Pov:
My flight had just landed, the tour had been wicked Europe is always fun !!! I began to miss my bed and London though. Strangely enough you felt nervous about going to flat, you knew that Ell would be waiting for an answer from you about well everything.

You and the boys got in a car and headed to your flat. You waved the boys goodbye as they drove off. You began climbing the stairs following behind Tris.
Tris knocked and their was Ell she looked so pretty, with no makeup on in her tracksuit. She welcomed you both home with a warming hug.
Surprisingly she was being really nice and not awkward at all. Everyone was starving so Ell ordered some food and got a bottle of wine out the fridge and poured everyone a glass. You all sat around the kitchen island and caught up, it felt good like this is what had been missing the past few months. After the food you all watched some celeb goggle box on the tv and chilled. It felt so comforting oh how you missed evenings like this.

Everyone called it a night around 1 am, I headed to my room and watched the hall light turn off. Then i heard foot steps outside my door which followed by a quiet voice "can I come in" I laughed and said "of course" in creeped ell she plonked her self down on my bed and spoke softly and quietly, "I missed you boys so much, the flat has been so quiet without you both you know" you nodded in response "I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you when I left that morning, it's just I was upset you know and shocked I suppose I didn't wanna show you my upset because I thought you didn't care anymore" "Ell I never could not care about you, you mean the world to me which is why I couldn't even talk when you came into my room because I didn't even know where to start because I felt like I had let you down so much you would never forgive me and I wouldn't blame you either for not forgiving me what I did was wrong and I'm sorry" she let out a smile "I could never not forgive you Brad your not only now my boyfriend but have been my best friend for the past 3 years and I also live with you so that would be awkward now wouldn't it"
She started to laugh and see that a smile had come across her face a smile of relief that this incident was being put to rest and things could go back to normal between you both.

As much as what Brad did was wrong you could never stay mad at him, purely because you care to much about him to become a stranger to him.

That's the end of my first story !! Sorry it's short and probably really bad but I hope you enjoy :) x

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