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You arrived in Milan around 8 am, a car was sent by Tris to pick you up from the airport and take you to the hotel.
You headed to Brad's room where you were gonna be staying. You knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Then you heard movement and the nerves cane flying back as you heard foot steps approach the door. A tired looking Brad opened the door a tad to see who was their, his face dropped not in a good way but in a way of worry and panic. You weren't sure what you had done to upset him already. So you said "let me in then" he half smiled and went "what about breakfast first" you looked at him with a really look I mean he was stood in his underpants and you had your suitcase in your hand. You pushed passed him and to your shock laid a beautiful girl with nothing on but the duvet. You couldn't even explain your feelings in any other way but your mouth went dry and every thought and feeling left your body. You dropped your suitcase and fled the room. You couldn't process what you just saw. Let alone why Brad would feel the need to do this after all that you spoke about.

You walked and walked and walked until no one was around. You just broke down in tears as if life wasn't bad enough, you now have a broken relationship to top it all off. You were confused more then anything. You had so many questions going round and round your head who is she ? Where did he meet her ? How long have they been having a fling ? Is this why he's been off with me ? Did I do something wrong ?

Your phone began ringing non stop, of course it was Brad you chose to ignore him he doesn't deserve your time. Then Tris called you, you picked up and he was asking where you were, you told him and he came straight away. "Why are you all the way out here ?" He spoke in a soft tone "Well long story short I arrived at Brads room he wouldn't let me in because he had another girl in his bed" Tris was confused and unsure as to if he heard that right. "Yes Tris I am as confused as you babe" all he could offer was a warm hug and a shoulder for you to cry on.
He drove you around a bit and you did some shopping and got food, to take your mind off of it but you needed answers and your suitcase.

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