An Introduction and Explanation.

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Hello there! Reading my book? Thank you so very much for that! I really appreciate it, more than you could ever know.

Before you start, there are some things you should be aware of.

The first is that this is my 2014-2015 NaNoWriMo entry and has been published, so PLEASE no copying! You've been warned. Grr!

The second is that this is the very first original work (read: non-fanfiction lmao) I ever wrote in my entire life. This labor of love was born right when I turned 12, so please don't judge it too harshly. I was also kind of rushing throughout that crazy month of November of 2014, and couldn't  precisely finish what I'd set out to write. Also, I was an immature and cliché baby at that age. Not that all other preteens are, but I sure was.

The third is that this is the first book of the Rewrite trilogy. I don't know when the rest will be written, because I'm kind of at a writer's block. If I get enough motivation to finish, rest assured that I will!

The fourth is that the chapters aren't the real chapters I used for the actual story. The real chapters are super long, so I've shortened them to fit a Wattpad-friendly format.

The fifth is that the chapter titles reference the names of music albums. I wonder how many you'll recognize!

The sixth is that I'm going to put sub-notes at the ends of the chapters in which I've made a typo or mistake. Please point out any that I've missed.

Enjoy my little story!

Restart - An Original NovellaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ