Chapter III {Ready For The Weekend} Part 1

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Friday, March 25th

My life resumes as normal after my birthday. Miss Catella accepts my written cursive apology but her attitude towards me is still sour, Vanessa and Chloë still hate my guts for no apparent reason, and I still have a good reputation in school.

Spring break is the welcome freedom from all this chaos in my school life. I don't really expect anything different from average, probably just chilling at the house and hanging out with Michael.

However, my parents have other plans.

Mom tells Maria and I, along with Michael, when we get to my house. We are happy, flushed with the exertion of exercise, and laughing together when we walk through the door. I'm prepared to rush upstairs and get my guitar to coax Michael to teach me a few chords, when Mom calls us over.

"Maria, Papa and I wanted to do something special for your birthday." She rolls her r's, and her accent is especially prominent. I love it. It reminds me of home.

"Really? Cool!" Maria cries. The nice thing about her birthday is that it's during spring break, so it's easier to prepare a particularly fun day out. Maria doesn't settle for less.

"We wanted to take you horseback riding."

The world stops rotating on its axis.

Just kidding. I look at my sister, bracing myself for the volcano that will erupt from her. She is staring at Mom disbelievingly.

"No hay manera."

"Yes way." Mom winks.


"It's going to be a long drive, though."


To be fair, the way Maria's voice squeaks uncontrollably, I should add a whole lot more exclamation marks, but you get the picture.

Excited beyond all understanding, Maria starts prattling in rapid-fire Spanish. "Quién le importa si es una largo camino?! Nunca he salido cabalgatas! Esto será tan impresionante! Con los caballos auténticos! ¿Crees tu que extremos trasera conseguirán magullada, sin embargo? He leído puede ser que lastime para sentarse por algunas horas, y-"

"We'll be going on Monday," Mom interrupts.

Maria doesn't notice the clear please-stop-babbling gesture. "Awesome! And I-"

"Congrats, Maria," Michael says, and I feel bad she's told us this news in front of Michael. She isn't even speaking in Spanish to emphasize the fact that it's a secret. I know Maria had been thinking the same thing, which is why she switched to Spanish after receiving the news. Even if she was trying to hide that she was excited, she failed miserably. Very miserably.

"You know you are coming too, right?" Mom asks, sounding as if she's serious.


"We would never leave you behind. You are coming with us, Michael."

"Sweet!" Michael's face lights up, and falls. "My mom and dad would never let me come with you." His face suddenly turns hard. "That's so not fair. I wish I had different parents."

"No! Don't say that!" Mom orders reproachfully. "Your parents are wonderful people."

Michael gives her a look, which she ignores.

"Just because your mother and father don't have the same mindset as you doesn't mean they're wrong," Mom forges on.

"Okay, Bernicia." Michael looks defiant but ashamed.

"But we may be able to convince them to let you come."

Michael's left eyebrow shoots up.

"It will be clear soon," Mom remarks mysteriously.

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