Chapter IV {Halcyon Days} Part 1

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Although I thought the drive would be boring, it's actually really fun. There are so many plants and animals along the roadsides as we start driving into the forest, and the three teens in the backseat (us) play a game where we have to identify them all. Maria wins by a landslide. She also has the map, and she tells Dad directions occasionally.

I take a catnap after a while, my sleepless night coming back to haunt me. When I wake up, my parents tell us we only have an hour until we get to the lodge to pack up our things and ride the horses at 4:30. Maria can hardly wait. This will be the first time any of us have ever gone horseback riding, and I'm sure it'll be an amazing experience.

I stare out the window, glad I got this seat. Maria's soft breathing is comforting and soothing. Michael sits to my right, between me and Maria. When I feel eyes on me, I turn, and see it's him.


"Hay is for horses, isn't it?" He winks.

"Ha ha, nice joke." My eyes veer back to the window, but I feel him watching me.

"Do you need anything?" I don't even turn.

"Not really."

"Are you sure?"

He doesn't answer, and I glance at him. He has a look on his face that leave my eyes on him. Shifting his body so that he faces me, his eyes never leaving my face, he leans forward and kisses me.

My breath hitches on its way out as he slides a hand into my hair, pushing it away from my face. His other hand takes mine. Can he feel it trembling?

I try to focus, gather thoughts, discern fact, process logic. His lips are soft and his hand in mine is warm. He smells like a mix of spearmint and cinnamon. I find this out when I inhale to calm myself, and my brain relaxes, even though my heart is racing.

This kiss so long, a full five seconds. When he pulls away, I open my eyes. I didn't realize I'd closed them. Does that mean I like him? Storybook characters always close their eyes during a kiss, but should I really trust fantasy to discern how I feel? I don't know. I need to figure this out.

I turn to Michael, to find an answer in his face, but he isn't looking at me. Instead, he's staring down at his hands, watching their movement as he wrings them. After a few seconds, he's bored with that and starts running his hands through his hair, then itching his neck, then tapping his fingers, just complete fidgeting. He looks ready to crawl into the engine of the car and spontaneously combust. Now I start to fidget, curling the ends of my hair, picking at my nails, biting my lip.

Finding nothing else to do after a while, I force my eyes to the window, taking some time to think about what just happened.

Scene II: Mental Mutiny

First half of me (the sensible side): Okay, Steph. How did you feel about that?

Second half of me (the panicking side): I don't know! Am I his girlfriend now? What does that mean exactly? How do you become someone's girlfriend?

First half: Calm down. Did you like the kiss? Answer this truthfully.

Second half: What does that even mean anyway? Like, the taste? *laughs, but it comes out like a maniacal cackle*

First ½: *sighs* You're hopeless. Want another question?

Second ½: No—

1st half: Did you kiss him back?

2nd half: Well, that depends.

1st ½: Stop it. This is serious. How did you — I like it?

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