Chapter V {Lights} Part 4

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Wednesday, April 20th

Today is a seemingly dull, average afternoon. I am lying on my back with my newly repaired and cast-free leg hanging above me, when one of my nurses, Anna, walks into my hospital room. Usually I prefer to be alone, but today, I welcome her. I am lonely, and quiet, compassionate Anna is just who I want to confide in. She is pretty, in a simple, natural way. None of her features stand out as particularly beautiful, but her looks are endearing. She has short brown hair cut at chin level, brown eyes hidden by her glaring oval glasses, and an elegant presence.

"Hello," she greets me cautiously. She seems afraid, as if unsure how to talk to me. I must look tired, or disagreeable. Or maybe I don't look that way, but I seem that way. How I usually am.

"Hi, Anna." My mouth twists in an unfamiliar expression — a weak smile. I can see her relax — her shoulders loosen up and she returns it.

"I'm glad you're happy today, Stephanie, because I have good news!"

The exclamation point at the end of her sentence makes my heart leap into my throat. Anna realizes I can't bring myself to speak when I wordlessly prompt her to say more.

"Michael's going to be able to see you at six o'clock tonight. His nurses have decided he's well enough to be visited, and that's the earliest you can. I understand you want to see him very badly. We wanted to let you know. He's eager to see you, too. He's asked us so many times when he could."

My heart stops at the period in her first sentence, and barely hear what she says next.

I get to see Michael? "I can really visit him?"

"Why would I lie to you?" Anna replies. I seriously think it's a genuine question.

"I don't know." I feel lightheaded.

"Do you want me to walk you there?"

"No, it's fine. Thanks, though." I suck in a breath, hoping I don't sound too excited, or anything besides natural. "What time is it?"

She looks at the watch on her wrist. The breath in my lungs escapes when I think about Maria and her birthday gift for me, only a little more than two months ago. Closing my eyes, I wait for Anna's answer.

"It's 4:19."

I feel like running through the hospital hallways, but I have to settle with speedwalking. I stop myself to check the time on a clock I've whizzed past.

5:36. I've convinced my attendants to let me out really early. I don't mind waiting at Michael's door for a long time, as long as I can see him at six o'clock sharp.

I try to rush, but my leg the doctors have fixed up still hurts, and I feel like a zombie dragging a hopeless leg getting to Michael's room. I wish I could wear something a bit fancy, or at least more appealing, but the most the doctors will allow me to wear is a drab gray t-shirt and equally drab skinny jeans.

My heart feels like a hammer in my chest. I don't know what to expect. How will Michael feel to see me? What will I say? I have so much to tell him, so much to ask.

I discover the only way to reach the fourth floor, besides the stairs, is the precariously raggedy, old-looking elevator. If my leg wasn't as useless as it is, or if this was before the crash, I would've absolutely used the stairs. I'm on every sports team available in our school, have won MVP on almost all of those, and love sports.

Now, I have no choice.

Hoping the elevator can handle a one-hundred-thirty pound person, I step in. Pressing the fourth floor button doesn't do anything, so I kick the wall. Surprisingly, that is what spurs the thing to work for me.

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