Chapter III {Ready For The Weekend} Part 5

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Wednesday, March 30th

"Time to wake up, Stephanie." Mom shakes my shoulder gently.

I peel my eyes open. Although she thinks I've been asleep, I was actually up all night. I can't help myself, I'm just too excited. It's better that I haven't fallen asleep (in my opinion, the opposite of Mom's), because I'm a really deep sleeper, and I probably wouldn't have woken up on her schedule.

"It's ten o'clock," Mom says.

"I slept that late?" I yawn, forcing myself not to smile at my little white lie.

"Honey, we need to get to the lodge to check in at three, which means we should leave at about 12:30."

"Oh, sure."

"Could you call Michael and tell him he should get over here at quarter past twelve?"

"Yep. Do you think he'll be awake?" He doesn't like waking up early.

"Yes, but make sure to call his cell. His parents might get mad if we call them."

"Yeah, definitely."

"Also, you can only call him after you've made your bed, brushed your teeth, and checked over if you have everything you need."

I hurry to finish up what I've got to do. It's a little past eleven when I press 6 on my cell phone, speed-dialing his number. (The only five numbers before his are the ones I can contact my family.) The only reason I have a cell phone is because I walk home from school. My mom is a stay-at-home mom, and it's my dad who brings in the income. They wouldn't get me one otherwise.

"Hi." Michael sounds as happy to hear my voice as I am to hear his.

"Hi." This is our typical greeting, no unnecessary weirdness.

"Are you calling to hear my voice?"

Can he read my mind even through the phone? "No, Michael."

"Okay, just checking." I can hear the smile in his tone.

"You should come over around 12:15."

"Is it okay if I come at noon sharp?"

"You could come right now and I wouldn't care."

Gosh, that totally sounded like I was flirting with him. Am I overthinking this?

"I kinda want to come over right now, actually. My parents are making such a big deal out of this trip. They act like they'll never see me again." He snickers. "I keep telling them I'm seventeen, I'm not a baby anymore, but they act like your parents will abduct me and throw me into a bucket of horse manure."

It sounds mean, but it's funny. I laugh.

"Sorry. Was that insensitive?"

That makes me laugh a little harder. "Not at all."

There's silence, and I can hear him breathing on the other end.

"This is nice," Michael says, his voice...different. Yes, something seems different. It sounds gravely and deep, and with a jolt it hits me why he's my closest friend. My face flames. "Can you feel it?" he asks. "Or is it just my crazy imagination?"

"Yeah, I can feel it." I hope I sound normal.

We are quiet for a few more seconds.

"I should hang up — I mean, I've got to go." I want to kick myself. It sounded like I was banishing him from my phone, although I really want this to be longer, this nice, expansive silence.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine. See ya at noon." I want to tell him not to go, but it's too late now. "Bye, Michael."

"Adios, Steph."

I press the end button, and find my finger doesn't want to let go. I look at the duration of our call. Two minutes and fifteen seconds.


I can't stop looking at the clock in the kitchen, as if I'm counting down the seconds until Michael arrives. 11:54, 11:55, 11:56...time can't go slower than this. The doorbell finally rings, and of course, Maria's at the door before me.

"Hey," she greets Michael.

"Hey, yourself." He opens his mouth to say more, but then sees me behind Maria. "Oh, hi, Steph." He flashes me a smile, but he looks so guilty, as if he's been caught red-handed doing something wrong. Maria looks eagerly between the two of us, as if she's waiting for some action. "You guys all ready?" Michael asks.

"No, not yet. We still have to put some stuff in the car."

"Can I help?"

"Hello, Michael. We would gladly appreciate your help." That's my dad, climbing down the stairs holding a huge suitcase. His voice stretched from exertion, he throws it down with a thump to the floor.

"Would you mind," he says, panting, "carrying this to the car?"

Of course Michael doesn't mind. Maria and I help out too, and by 12:30, we're all set to go. Right on schedule.

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