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Morning. Monday morning.

I don't mind mondays, anymore. It IS summer now. I don't have to wake up 4 in the morning to avoid traffic now.

I can stay up til 4 now and wake up at like 1 pm or something.


Opening social media sucks though, and that's what i do most of the time. Such an ego killer honestly.

When you're a loser like me, people won't talk to you unless you talk to them first. And honestly, that doesn't work most of the time either.

It's hard to be a socially awkward, emotionally unstable, insecure loser. It really is.

It's nice some days, awful in some.

But just because I'm a loser, doesn't mean i have no friends.

I have friends.

I think.

No, ofcourse i have friends. I love my friends. I just, just.

I don't know how to express my love for them, basically. I'm awfully awkward, quiet, shy, and i have an awful sense of humor.

Doesn't help that I'm sarcastic too.

What am i talking about anymore, what was i talking about again?

Wait. Lmao.

Oh yeah. Social media sucks.

I draw.

In fact, I draw ALOT. And, I wanna share to people what i draw.

I thought it'd be a fun ego boost too if other people said they like what i draw.

I guess you can already tell what happens wih losers like me.

It's not that i don't get recognition. I do, but getting compared to other people, seeing how much more recognition they get than me, it sucks.

Imagine rendering a drawing for 3 days and only have one tenths of recognition from someone who took a picture from pinterest and claimed it as their own.

I'm not gonna call anyone out. That's just being petty, besides people already did that for me. But i still feel awful about myself.

And my drawings don't even look bad. I'm not just saying that because i drew it, it really doesn't.

I don't wanna expose who i am so I won't show the drawing i felt bad abt for not getting recognition.

Anyway, yeah. Social media is an ego killer. Ego booster for some, ego killer for some, or just for fun.

Social media isn't all that bad ig. I can watch something funny. Something fun, something that'll make me cry happy tears or smth.

But then someone will try to convince other people that there's something negative abt this and that and this and that and UGH

I hate social media, i love social media. I'm lost in my words and i don't know what I'm talking about anymore

I want to go bald omfg I'm so dumb

Uhhhh what should i say now

Oh right I'm supposed to be called "Arin"

Arin has a crush named june, who's 2 thirds her height. She's 5'4




This is me now, Arin. Yeah I'll call myself that.




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