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Hihi june.

It's actually july right now.


I have a crush on this guy named June. He's tiny. Not dwarfism tiny, just tiny.

He's annoying, because he finds everything annoying. Despite that, i still like him.

Idek why. I just started liking him because i faked it.

I didn't wanna tell the person i had a crush at the time that i liked him, so i told him i liked june.

People teased me everyday for liking june despite not actually liking him, at the time, atleast.

I was so bad at acting having a crush on june but people believed it.

Their teasing ended making me have an actual crush on him and now I've been crushing on him for almost 5 years now HAHHAHAH

I can't confess to him though. Never. Never ever.

I can't risk it. I won't be able to take it if he rejects me.

I might kachuk myself

Oh dear


I'm madly in love with him

He doesn't feel the same though. He said it, in front of me. He said he likes another person, who's skinny and has straight hair. He didn't say it to me, more like, said it to someone else while also making me hear it on purpose.

I bet he already knows i like him, and he's trying to reject me lolololololol

I'm already too obsessed with you june, you can't stop me from liking you, ever.


Idc if june will marry someone else. In fact, i don't care if he even likes me. Aslong as he doesn't say it to my face he doesn't like me, it's ol if he shows it. Just as long as he's happy, i'm ok with just liking him from afar, in my room, on my phone, watching his profile everyday if he goes online or not and seeing what his status says.

I'm not obsessed, you are.


Ok bye LOL


make it make senseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora