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(Second boy crazy phase rant)

Why did he have to be so nice. He's just a friend. No, not even. Just an acquaintance. A friend of my cousin.

But why did he have to be so nice to me?

Sure i know where he lives, his birthday, his height and his hobbies and stuff.

But i don't actually know what he looks like. I saw him for like a milisecond one time and feom what i remember, he looks like the malle version of one of my older cousins. Hair, glasses and shirt and everything. Even the height and hobbies, like damn.


Well, I know his nickname, or, his username or whatever.

Also that he's like 4 years older than me lol

Aghhh I'm done. I'm so done. I get too attached too easily.

Sure he took his time to call you to help you with homework when you barely knew him and played chess with you when no ome would even though he's not that into chess and drew you for you amd even gives you a birthday card, but remember, always remember, he does that FOR EVERYONE

So, stop being delulu

It's ok to like him, but stop spending 3 hours looking at all the messages when he mentions your name or talks to you.


Please tell I'm not the only person who does this

I literally keep doing this for 5 months straight when I'm in my biy crazy phase.

I'll spend hours each night looking at all their messages and seeing if they're online or not.

It's tormenting.

This boy stays up til 6 am and i wanna watch him til he goes offline so i can sleep but i wake up at 7 so i have like 1 hour of sleep. Sometimes not even because I'm really supposed to wake up at 6, but i meed atleast SOME sleep so i wake up at 7 haha.

Please God let me get over these people so i can move on with my life, Amen.

I'm too tired to write anymore, so I'll just watch til second boy crush goes to sleep ok? Byebye. 🫶

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