♦️Austrian GP♦️

401 14 22

Yuki's POV:

We woke up and had breakfast.

Now we were watching the F3 race.

Logan went to congratulate Zak O'sullivan because he won and he's in the Williams academy.

Then we talked with the F2 drivers before that left for their race.

A crazy end of a race that ended up with Verschoor winning and the dutch people going crazy.

I guess we are probably going to hear the dutch anthem 2 times today.

We congratulated all the F2 guys.

Arthur was kinda off, I guess because of what happened with his tire and the fact that he dnfed some laps before the end.

I also saw how Théo left somewhere.

I couldn't see where he went because Nyck got in front of me.

I hope Théo is okay.

Théo's POV:

My dad had grabbed my arm again.

He took me to a place I had never seen before.

I was scared he was going to hit me again I know it.

-P7?! You are a shitty driver- Théo's father
-I'm sorry I tried my best please don't hit me again!- Théo

I thought he wouldn't hit me because he didn't answer me until I felt him punch my leg.

I fell to my knees.

He hit me one last time in my stomach just like yesterday and he left.

I tried to get up but I fell again.

I was crying, I need help but I can't call anyone because I don't have my phone with me.

I tried to get up again and this time I made it.

Everything hurts when I walk but I need to get to where the rest of the drivers are.

I don't know how but feeling way to dizzy I managed to get to the common room and open the door.

Fred's POV:

We saw the door open and an almost fainted Théo enter.

I rushed at catched Théo in time.

-That's it I'm finding that son of a bitch who's helpping?- Victor
-I'm helpping you- Mark

With that Mark and Victor left, I hope they find him.

I took Théo to the couch and laid him there.

-Is he going to be okay?- Minì

I forgot the F3 drivers where here and they don't know what's wrong.

-Yes don't worry- Fred

After some time Théo woke up and Fernando asked him what happened this time.

Théo explained everything to us. I can't believe that man.

Victor and Mark came back but obviusly they didn't find Théo's father.

Théo had a small bruise in his lip. We guess it's his father fault.

His foot was swollen so Fernando put a ice pack on it.

We couldn't see his stomach because Théo said that it was fine.

I know it probably wasn't but we'll see that later when he let's us.

He fell asleep again after Felipe had been playing with his hair for some time.

He's the type of kid that hates hurting people but he always gets hurt by the people he thought he could trust.

We don't know for how long his father has been like this to him but we need to stop it.

It's child's abuse.

I feel bad for Théo.

And also I can already imagine that all Logan and I had managed to make him eat was worthless.

Now he'll be like at the start.

I want to kill that man I really do.

I heard Victor talking to the police.

We want that man in jail now.

But we know it will take time.

For now we have to focus on Théo. We need him to be okay and to trust us.

Logan and I need to try to get him to eat again and let's hope that with time he gets better and we don't see that man.

We have Silverstone next week. I hope we don't see him there.

Victor already said that he won't leave Théo's side. There's no way we are letting that man hit him again.

Carlos' POV:

Fuck Ferrari.

I was faster than Charles and they didn't let me overtake him!!

I'm going to stop thinking about that.

I finished all my interviews and left to the hotel.

I went to Lando's room and we decided to do a movie night.

Oscar's POV:

Logan entered my room with a smile on his lips and his eyes shining from how happy he was.

It had been a while since the last time I saw Logan like this.

He looks so happy.

-Congrats baby- Oscar

I kissed him.

We decided to go out for dinner.

We had a fun time there and then we went back to my hotel room.

After a few movies we went to sleep.

I hope Logan's happines stays for a few days because I love seeing him like this.

He looks way to cute!

Logan was already asleep but I was awake playing with Logan's hair.

I was waiting for Fred or Felipe to give me some updates on Théo's state.

The only message I got was a "He's okay and sleeping, we'll see how he is tomorrow".

I sighed and also went to sleep.

I hope Théo is okay.

Felipe's POV:

Théo had been throwing up for a while and now he was in bed with his head on my chest.

I was playing with his hair and he fell asleep.

When we got back to the hotel Fred did his best to heal everything.

And he also tried to give him some food but he threw up.

I guess he's stomach can't handle food because of how hard his dad hit him.

For now I also went to sleep.

Fred's POV:

I think Théo should tell Felipe why he keeps throwing up.

Felipe doesn't know about this and if Théo doesn't tell him I'll tell him myself what's wrong.

I hope Théo will be okay tomorrow, his brusies looked pretty bad.

I'm not a doctor so I did my best to heal them.

Victor also told me that the police from here and from Silverstone were already warned of this man.

Let's hope they catch him.

For now all I can do is sleep.

I hope everything is fine with everyone tomorrow morning.


Sorry if the chapter is a bit shitty.

Hope you liked it! :)

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