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"Ya boy won the game." Jack cheers has he walks out if the locker room.

"I saw. Congratulations sir." i responds has he walks over to me.

"So, are you sure your roommate wont be bothered by me coming over?" he asks.

"I am completely positive, she will probably throw a party out of happiness of a man stepping a foot into our apartment." i respond as we begin to walk out of the center.

"Is that a bad thing or a good thing? Am i like going to get jumped or something by her?"

"I really hope not, just please don't bring up any of your friends or she will go insane and start asking a million questions about them."



grinny brynny😁
Ains i know this is really short notice
but make sure the apartment is clean
because jack is coming over,
right now.
we are literally on our way.

Im sorry, i mean i will clean.
But wth‼️

"This is like the biggest apartment building i have ever seen!" jack says looking up at my building.

"Well its where all the rich influencers live apparently, noticing from who i have seen around lately."

"What floor do you live on?" he asks.


"Forty-two?!" he repeats. "Like all the way up there?" he asks, pointing towards the top of the building.

"well, not like the tippy top theres three floors above us." i say, trying to calm him as we enter the elevator.

"That doesn't help, thats like really high up Brynn, gosh i hope you at least have a good view."

"Don't worry we have a balcony, facing the water if i might add." i say, pressing my floors button.

"I guess it cancels out the height then."

Céleste - Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now