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Hey friends!! This story is Teen Wolf AU and Allison is alive, but Aiden isn't a character. Anyways, I'll try to update new chapters as often as I can, but I don't wanna disappoint if I say I'll update every day. I hope you enjoy this story and appreciate how beautiful Stiles and Lydia are (: Let me know what you think in the comments!
(Song- Crazy Youngsters by Ester Dean)

"Guess what's coming up Scotty boy!!" Stiles said,playfully, snaking an arm around Scott's neck.

"Oh, I don't know, Thursday?" Scott said sarcastically. Stiles frowned, looking a bit disappointed.

"No, buddy. Did you forget? It's July, and than means..... drum roll please.... our second annual ROAD TRIP! Pack your bags- enough for a while! We're touring the country! Not really, but you know. Time to head back to Colorado to the cabin!"

"Oh brother." Scott murmured under his breath, seeming uninterested. "Stiles, last year it ended up being the two of us fighting the whole way there and then not catching any fish at the cabin. Why are you so excited for another boring trip? No offense Stiles."

Stiles sighed and sat down on his bed. "Okay first of all, last year was fun. But second of all, we're not going alone this time. I may have told some people who really wanted to go, and are now planning on joining us." Stiles said, wincing and waiting for a punch from Scott.

"Who Stiles?" Scott asked, growing agitated. He worried what Stiles's answer would be.

"Well, Allison, Lydia, Isaac, Kira, Ethan, Danny, and Malia." Stiles explained.

"Wait, what? Malia? But you two just broke up, why would you invite her?"

"I know, and I didn't. Kira did. And it's not like we could just not bring her. She's friends with all of us."

Scott shook his head. "Alright, fine. But don't blame me if this trip sucks."

Stiles's eyes widened as he looked up at Scott in surprise. "Really? Yes!" He grinned, pumping his fist.

"Honestly Allison, the reason you said yes to this road trip is beyond me. I don't want to go."

"Come on, Lyds! It'll be fun! You have to go," Allison said pleadingly, hopping onto Lydia's queen size bed. "Everyone's going, and there's so much to do at Stiles's cabin! Please, I'll pack for you even," she said as she opened Lydia's closet, pulling out a shirt that made Lydia cringe.

"Oh no Allie, not happening. I'll pack my own bags, thank you very much." She said, taking the ugly shirt from Allison and throwing it into the garbage can.

Allison squealed. "So does that mean you'll go?"

Lydia sighed, pulling out her suitcase from the closet and tossing it on the bed. "Fine, I'll come. But if this trip sucks, you're buying me coffee for a week."

"Deal!" Allison said quickly, jumping off the bed and grabbing her purse. "Okay, I'll call Stiles and Scott and tell them to count us in. But now I gotta go pack! Ahhhh, love you Lyds!" She said as she rushed out of Lydia's room, slamming the door behind her.

Lydia's stomach turned in knots as she thought about what she had just agreed to- a road trip with the whole gang, including Stiles and Malia. They had just broken up, but Lydia was just waiting for the inevitable day when they would get back together. She wrapped her arms around her and swayed back and forth on her heels. She didn't sign up for a road trip that would end in Stiles and Malia reunited and Lydia left with the memory of when he used to look at her the same way he looked at Malia. But she took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. She would do this for Allison, and herself. Lydia was determined not to be the girl pining over another girl's man. That wasn't her. So she threw a bunch of clothes in her suitcase and got ready for the trip.

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