Letter 15~

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A baseball game. He took me to a freaking baseball game.

And he expected me to watch it. And enjoy it.

Does no one else see the primitive nature of this game? "Let's take a ball! And hit it! With a stick!!"

About a year ago I snuck out and into a baseball game. Me and Elliot walked around talking about everything and nothing just enjoying the night and the public feel of it all.

We marveled in the fact that there were hundreds of people gathered to watch an old American pass-time and each and every one of them has a unique and interesting life.

While we see ourselves as the main character in the story of our life, each and every single human being has their own struggles, their own family, friends, love-interests and dreams.

But me and my dearest boyfriend sat and watched the game in the hot sun, binge eating peanuts and avoiding flying balls and audience participation.


Letters to Quentin - A Paper Towns FictionWhere stories live. Discover now