Letter 4

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Dear Quentin,

I'm scared. I have never really been scared of school punishment but today I am. I am a disruptive student and a prank goddess, Quentin, but now I am afraid of being expelled.

At school I'm known as the perfect child, never late, never tardy, never in trouble. But the truth is, good girls are simply bad girls that have yet to be caught. And this time, I have been caught. This time someone knows. Weather they do something or not I'm not sure. But I'm worried they will.

I'm worried I'll have to get rid of something other people enjoy, something I take pride in, weather I should or not, I'm not sure. But heaven knows I can't handle being expelled.

Maybe I won't care later. Maybe it won't matter then. But right now I can only pray.



Letters to Quentin - A Paper Towns FictionWhere stories live. Discover now