Letter 16

197 11 2

I'll be going away and my mother-

Dear lord my mother can be an absolute pain in the butt.

Sometimes i have NO CLUE what she is trying to get across. It's like we have hired all America's top cryptologists to try to figure out what the HELL you JUST SAID.

My mother won't let my take my journal.

She won't let me even try to pack a pencil, my sharpies, my stencils.... not even a piece of god-forsaken copy paper.

I haven't really got anything. This is where I vent. Where I can loose my temper and reveal my deepest secrets~ weather they be honestly deep or something as obvious as how much I am sickeningly and disgustingly head over heels for you as I am.

Like if i met someone who talked about a boy the way I write about you I would literally hate them so much it wouldn't even be remotely funny.  


Letters to Quentin - A Paper Towns FictionWhere stories live. Discover now