Letter 20

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Dear Q,

I apologize for the skip in letters for when you do actually receive these. Like that will ever happen.....

The lack of letter number 19 is because it was purely dumb.

Quentin, I ask you now: Do you ever get just the absolute dumbest crush on the dumbest person that you never even have the guts to talk to?

It's just their dumb hair and their dumb smile and dumb dumb dumbiddy dumb.

Remember what I said about inventing a person? Well it's like that too.

Instead of focusing on any slight negative detail, for instance, their low self esteem, you look at it as the fact that they just hold too high standards for their own self that they are just failing to meet.

You start looking at the fact that they have a cruddy band director that just hands out A's- like this person is absolutely a musical genius that is acing band and will soon be a music major.

You start looking at the fact that this person is Quentin Jacobson like he's "Q"

Like he's some heroic adventurous perfect version of the guy you actually know.

You start to imagine him as more than who he is.

More than the person.

More than a person.

And what a terrible thing that is.

Letters to Quentin - A Paper Towns FictionWhere stories live. Discover now