Why Do You Care?

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I'm so so so so sorry for not updating for a while! I got 3 unpublished stories in progress, so bare with me.

Anyways, hope you enjoy!


~Reader's P.O.V.~

You could obviously tell that Sting was pissed. His fists were clenched, crumpling the piece of paper that had been the warning from a bunch of Sting-obsessed girls. "(y/n)," Sting said in a forced calm voice. You could literally hear the shakiness of anger in his tone. "What is this?"

"A piece of paper," you try to say nonchalantly. It seemed to have worked, but perhaps that wasn't the best thing as you could hear the piece of paper crumple even more under Sting's grip. You could just imagine that grip coming onto your throat or something. The thought made you gulp.

"This is not just a piece of paper," Sting growled lowly. "This is a threat note." The way he made it sound so special made you feel a bit irritated.

"So what?" you ask. "It's not like it's important or anything." All of a sudden Sting grabs onto your borrowed shirt and looks at you angrily with his piercing blue eyes, which were full of pissed off rage.

"'So what'!?" he spat in front of you, making you flinch a bit. "(y/n), this is serious!"

"Why is it so serious?" you spat back. "It's not like I don't get it all the time!" You hadn't meant to say that, but since it was already out you decided to just go with it. Sting's eyes widened and he pulled you closer to him, your bodies almost touching each other. The closeness to another person was making you feel uncomfortable, especially since it was Sting.

"Who was it?!" Sting asked angrily. Your eyes widen.

"H-huh?" you say in disbelief.

"I asked you who does it?! Who gives you these kinds of threats?!" Sting repeated furiously. His question left you speechless. Never before had someone actually ask you who was hurting you. Sure, you had had some people help you, but it was out of pity, not anger. Either way, it never helped, but what Sting was doing to you made your heartbeat accelerate.

"W-why do you care?" you ask, trying to sound tough, but your voice betrayed you.

"Why do I care??" Sting looked at you baffledly. "Because you're an innocent person that's been treated unfairly! Hell yeah I'm going to care! How can someone not just care when someone like you is hurt?!" You swore you say his cheeks turn slightly red, but you were not the best person to read body language. "I-I mean, as an innocent person." You didn't think he meant it any other way, but nonetheless you still couldn't find the energy to speak. Sting looked at you confusingly until he realized how close you two were. "O-oh, sorry," he stuttered before letting go of your...his shirt. You adjusted the position you sat a bit, but other than that you didn't say a word nor moved an inch. Sting was like that as well, but after a couple minutes he finally spoke again.

"So...who's been bullying you (y/n)?" he asked in a softer but still firm tone. "You can't just continue life without doing something about this. You slightly make eye contact with him, but after a split second you looked away. His eyes were so captivating, you knew that many girls could just lose themselves in there, but for you they..."reflected light" too much, as if you were looking into the eyes of God himself. You shake the thought away and decide to answer him.

"Too many to count," you muttered, looking to the side so he couldn't see you. Even though you could not see him, you could definitely infer that his eyes popped wide open.

"T-too many to count?!" he repeated in shock. You lamely shrug in response.

"It's not uncommon for me to get notes like this, threats, and death notes on my locker," you say as if it happens all the time, which it does. "People just hate me. That's what you get for living in the dark. It's not like it matters anymore though." You wait for a response from Sting, but instead you tense up as you could feel warm arms wrap around your body.

~Sting's P.O.V.~

After hearing what (y/n) had said, about being bullied so much, I just couldn't believe it! How could someone like her just do nothing?!

"People just hate me. That's what you get for living in the dark. It's not like it matters anymore though," (y/n) shrugged. I could see her (e/c) eyes darken, making me even more pissed off. She was looking away from me, so I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her body. I could feel her stiffen at my touch. "W-w-what are you doing?" she stuttered.

"No one deserves to live in the darkness alone," I said softly. A (scent of your choice) fragrance from her (h/c) hair wafted into my nose. For some reason I could feel butterflies from my stomach from it, but I tried to ignore it when I felt something wet drip onto my arm. My eyes widened as I realized that (y/n) had started to cry.

"N-no one has ever cared about me like this before.." she murmured as tears flow down her rosy cheeks. "You only met me yesterday, why do you care so much?" I adjusted my position so that I was facing her.

"I already told you (y/n)," I said softly. "I can't believe someone like you could be bullied." I pulled her closer to me and I let her sob into my chest.

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