13 | Big Blowout Bash

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Despite all of the people and attractions crammed into one place in the party venue, the first thing that caught Mondo's eye when he returned to it was something about their chef that he'd missed the first time around. More specifically, the fact that there was duct tape over his mouth.

"What'd you do that to Hanamura for?" Mondo asked Fuyuhiko. The yakuza grimaced.

"We didn't want him saying anything weird. I wasn't taking any chances."

"But he can still make obscene gestures, can't he?"

"I told him I'd have Peko kill him if he did, so that'd be his problem."

Teruteru could apparently hear the conversation from where he stood, as he gave Mondo a thumbs-up. Maybe being around so many pretty girls made the subjugation worthwhile for him. ...Or, maybe, he got off on this in some sick way. Mondo didn't understand that guy.

Whatever his deal was, the food looked good— Akane had once again given up on waitressing in favor of stuffing her face full of what looked like chicken wings. Mikan tearfully warned her that if she didn't slow down she could risk choking. She'd already long since given up on lecturing her about her cholesterol.

"You didn't strike me as the partying type," Mondo half-shouted at the nurse. Mikan jumped and then recoiled into herself at the sound of his voice. "...Sorry. Didn't mean to scare ya."

"I-I normally don't go to these kinds of gatherings. I figure people wouldn't want me there. B-But Togami-kun was so generous, and Ch-Chiaki asked me so nicely, so..."

That made sense, Mondo thought. Chiaki was probably the one who'd dragged Hajime along, too— she always liked the whole class (and also Hajime) to get along whenever possible. Hajime was in a corner catching up with Naegi at the moment.

"If it means anything, I'm glad ya came," Mondo said. "S'nice to have almost everybody in the same place again. The school feels pretty empty sometimes."

"Y-You... haven't been getting into any more fights, have you? I-I wouldn't want you to get hurt!"

Mondo groaned and rolled his eyes. He'd nearly forgotten by now, but Mikan had been forced to play impromptu ER Doctor for him on many occasions, bandaging his bloody knuckles or diagnosing sprains and shattered bones. She'd made him a temporary splint once. And she did all that despite the fact that she was apparently terrified of him.

"Nah, nah, don't worry about it. Taka keeps me in line." The last serious fight Mondo had gotten into felt like ancient history now. Kiyotaka had told him he was disappointed in him only once, and that had hurt a lot more than the broken wrist. So he had sworn it off.

"Th-That's good!" Mikan trailed off, clasping her hands together before her in that strange imitation of a prayer. "C-Can I... see the doggie...?"

"Oh, Cocoa? Sure y'can. It's good for her to get used to people while she's still a baby, y'know."

Mikan wept as she held the dog and looked into her precious little face. Mondo understood that much (hell, he'd cried too), so he didn't say anything. Mahiru snapped a picture of the two of them. Mikan was still holding the dog when a new voice interrupted the festivities, and did so loudly enough that Mondo could hear her so far from the door.

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