-Chapter 182827392838283 lel-

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Ceresa was chillin at her tree house, or house tree, something. She went to the middle of the ocean to get some water and was careful to get none on her wing- and then fell in. Then a portal! Some lil idiotic kid fell out da portal or something. "HOLA SOY DORA—" it said. "HEY WHERE U FROM" Ceresa said, not thinking that strangers just might be dangerous. "TAKE SOP" she said, shoving an entire bowl of soup in the rando's mouth. "IM FROM UR MO— I MEAN HELL." "AND I DONT WANT UR CRUSTY SOUP." The thing said. "What the hell is hell?" Ceresa asked EXTREMELY CONFUSED. "It's ur mo— I mean it's deez." The lil piece of sh1t said. "Hey, wanna randomly become my friend and live together for the next three years without any context?" Ceresa asked, still VRRY confuzzled. "Sur" Bloosum said. We magikally now know it's name.


"Oh, time to destroy the ecosystem and say its peace." Ceresa said, regarding her amazing job. "I am your fath— I mean yesh." Blossson sed. Ceresa was already there, shoving mushrooms into a snake's mouth, making it die of food poisoning, when Blossom got there. "hAy! yOu gOt hErE bEfUr mE—" Blossom sed. "It's our job, you know." Ceresa said, time skipping a lil. She punched Blossom in the face so hard she fell on the ground. "You little shi—" (WELL BE RIGHT BACK) "hAy— wEl iT u BoRtHdAy let's hav soom fuN" Blossom sed slapping Ceresa into the sun (WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK AGAIN). Ceresa liked Blossom, but was too much of a dumba- (ONCE MORE) to tell her. But she gina do it today because YEAH. Blosson decided to do a roast battl— (AGAIN,) Blossom threw a rose with 462846936493748374 thorns on it at Ceresa. "THIS FLOWER IS BETTER THAN YU." Blossom said, but Ceresa took it as compliment cus she is a simp. "Oh, thank you. You know, I'm madly in lo-" THEN A PORTAL APPEARED AND A HAND CAME OUT OF THE PORTAL AND PUNCHED BLOSSOM AND YEETED HER IN THE PORTAL. BLOSSOM ONLY BROKE 572947927302849297393748 BILLION BONES. Fire. Death. Sadness. Depression. Ur mo- (LAST TIME I PROMISE) Ceresa murdered a bunch of people with a knife and trusted YET ANOTHER random person and lived with them for another SIX BLEEPING MONTHS GOD. She trusted the person ESPECIALLY because they were from insane asylum.

401 wurds

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