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"Hay, so fire?" Ceresa asked her new partner(before the 6 months) "yes" Coin repleed. FIRE happened as Ceresa became an idiot and used to much power then passed out in Coins arms. "Ok." Coin said, yeeting Ceresa into forest and on tree log perfectly. She only broke 502794738483K bones. "Oh shi-"(this is the last time I swear) "I like that lady" Coin said, blushing excessively. They Ohio walked into the bushes and got Ceresa. They then did a triple backflip INTO THe SU—(THIS IS THE LAST TIME— IM DEF NOT LYING.) They then snapped they're own neck and di—(SORRY, THIS IS THE LAST ONE) "Hehehehehheheheheeh" Ceresa said, insane at this point. "Let's have some weird thing for me losing a contest" (because it's been six month by now) "okay. KISS ME— I mean let's murder people on trails cuz deez nuts." Coin sed. "Und aftor that let's play trooth or dar cuz deez." Bunch of black tentacles later... "hey I hav some friends... oh wait only one." Then a drunk cat lady with alcohol jumped out of the trees. "Do you have a friend?" Ceresa asked. "Yes. Even if in the original story you met my friends first then I met Maria my frenz are gonna appear." Coin repleed. Then some short person with blindfold appeared. And some 10 feet tall not human walked out of the bushes. And some stoopeed clown Goku ran and slipped and fell and died. ".. who are you people—"(SORRY THIS IS THE LAST TIME I SWEAR—) "Meet KitKat, Unknown, and— I forgor your name who are you again?" Coin said. "I'm Sill—" The goofy clown dude said. "Oh ye and Sill." Coin said. Ceresa jumped back out of da bushes and then said "LES START BOIZ"

292 wurds

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