Tape 1

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"Why are we even making this, nobody is gonna read this." Writer 425 said, talking to her best friend. She had noises why they had forced her to help write the script for this AU. "Well, uh, we were bored—" Writer 48S said. "Yeah, but I feel kinda bad for the people we're forcing to do this." Writer 425 said. "It's kinda.. fun, to torture our characters. Don't send me back to the insane asylum llike you did last time I said that—" Writer 48S replied. "I know, but what if we were forced to do this. This isn't even our real names, or real conversations. We just kind of do this." Writer 425 said, thinking of all she had made throughout her life. "Isn't.. isn't this what they were made for..? They're not real people. Just our puppets." Writer 48S said "True. Why are we even writing down our conversations with fake names to put them in a book anyway?" Writer 425 said. "We need to keep our readers entertained! Why else would we have made our characters..?" Writer 48S said, clearly sounding like a psychopath. "I guess you're right. They don't even know us at all. Just the masks we put on for the characters we make." Writer 425 said, knowing her friend talked like that sometimes. "We just gotta, act the character! No one has to know what we really feel! They.. probably wouldn't care.." Writer 48S said, sounding more like a psychopath every sentence. "Of course they wouldn't care. You don't even know how I really feel. Oh well. I don't really feel in the mood to write this goofy AU anymore, can we continue later." Writer 425 said, knowing nobody did really care. "Of course! We can continue later." Writer 48S said, sounding more.. human. "Ok, we should probably post this now." Writer 425 said.

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