Tape 2

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Tape 2 Found

"You think that one was a little chaotic, or like, too much?" Writer 425 asked, standing up from her desk and the script of the AU. "Hmm.. Nope! Not really!" Writer 48S said, trying to design new masks with different faces, scribbling all over a design. "Ok, well, what should we do now? I don't think I'm ready to make another chapter just yet." Writer 425 asked, making her suit buttons turn all white and the suit turn black. "You know, I think I like this look." "Mhm, cool. Hey, you wanna help me with the emotions on these masks I'm making? Since, the only mask I have that I always wear is just a smiling mask." Writer 48S said. "Sure!" Writer 425 said, walking over to her partner's desk. "What are you trying to make?" "I kinda wanna do like a serious face, but I don't really know what to draw— I've just been scribbling white marker all over these black masks.." Writer 48S said, kinda frustrated. "Here, let me try." Writer 425 said, taking one of the masks and trying to draw a serious face. "Thanks for helping! If I didn't have my masks.. I don't know what I'd do! Like.. my face is an abomination.. I mean, even you haven't seen it!" Writer 48S said. "There's a reason i dont show my eyes either, 48S." Writer 425 said, tapping her visor that showed her emotions through flashing white eyes. "Hm. Well, alright!" Writer 48S said. "Maybe one day, we've been pretty close for how many years now?" Writer 425 said. "Oh, 10 I believe. How old were we when we met? 16? 10? Oh, I can't remember. But, we can do the math." Writer 48S said, starting to do math in there head. "So, I was 13.. how old are you again? I can't really remember.." "Oh, I'm 22." Writer 425 responded. "You know, how many AUs have we done together at this point?" "Oh, including the AU we're making, 3. Huh. We should write together more often." Writer 48S replied. "Yes, Yes..." Writer 425 said. "We should. You got any ideas?" "Oh, well.. hm.. Gem Infection AU? Just something off the top of my head." Writer 48S said. "Maybe, let's see." Writer 425 said, wondering about more ideas.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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