It happened again, he once again abused me for no fucking reason, he hates me, everyday he is mad at me and slaps me randomly.
When I go at school I have to cover up every bruise and cut with makeup and baggy clothes.

Almost everyone makes fun of me at school for the way I'm looking, I have great grades tho, but this wouldn't make my father proud either.

I never got the chance to meet my mother, she died when I was born because she lost to much blood when delivering me.
I wish I was in her place right now, but this is life, even if it's hard you have to go through it, no matter what.
I just have some photos of my mother when she wasn't pregnant with me, she was so beautiful, her eyes, her hair, her body, everything was perfect about her.
I just got the eyes and the body from her, everything else I got from my horrible father.

That's why everybody made fun of my looks,I always ignore the comments they make because I don't want them to think that their words affect me, but they actually do, but I don't have l to say back because they are right, I'm insicure of myself too.

Well, the good thing is that I only have one school year left and one little problem is going off my back, just this little one.

I go to school once again wearing a ton of concealer and foundation to cover up the bruises on my face and arms, even tho my arms are actually covered with a shirt.

"Hello weirdo, what are you wearing today? You look like a clown with all that makeup" one of my bullies, Ron, laughs at me. He is the one that bullies me the most ever since I got here.

I tried to tell the principal multiple times about this, but he just wouldn't budge to listen to me.
I hate men's for this reason, they are all jerks, liars and big annoying fuckers.

Plus, why would he care what I'm wearing on, he doesn't even know what I'm going through right now, and he probably never experienced it. He didn't have the right to bully me and judge me just because of the way my life is.

"Poor thing, she is about to cry" Ron says laughing once again with my other bullies, he then grabbed me hard enough and pushed me, causing me to fall to the floor on my butt.
For some reason his words and actions made me rage inside, I wanted this to end, and I wasn't scared about what he would do, this was continuous and I was done with it.

I get up from the floor feeling the blood racing inside me like crazy.
"You think your better than everyone else here right? For 5 entire years you've been bullying me, hurting me physically and mentally but I'm done with it,today it ends. I'm tired of your faces, you make fun of my looks even though you don't even know what life I'm living! You are the worst, you'll see that karma will hit you.And I'm talking to all of you!" I spit in his face

He looks shocked from my words, but I was enjoying it, maybe I was done with bullies, that was a good thing even tho I still think about those night when my father abuses me, I would want to speak like I did now to my father too, but I'm to afraid about what's going to happen afterwards

The school time ends and I get to go to that horrible place, I wish my father was nicer, like other fathers but I have him and I can't escape, sadly

I get home and go right upstairs to my room, but that's when I hear his voice, "Get your ass down here little shit! I have something to tell you" he shouts loud enough for me to hear.
What did he have to say now, was he going to hurt me again? Well if that so nothing much since I have bruises all over my body, one more doesn't change the situation

I go downstairs to see him with someone, he was handsome, he had brown eyes and had messy brown hair, he was wearing a black suit with the first two buttons of the shirt detached.
"He is going to be your husband"my father said

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