Chapter 2

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One Week Later

Inside a cemetery is where a group of young adults was currently meeting. This group consisted of Maxis and Kyle Johnson, Shannon Cipher and their friends, Luke, Jonathan, Evan, Joey and Bryce. There was another person with them, it was Brian Davis.

The group was gathered in the cemetery to pay respects to Brian's brother, Brockton Davis, who had been murdered the week prior.

Although, the only one who really actually knew Brockton, besides his brother, was Shannon. The others simply tagged along out of respect.


Once the entire group, including Brian, had gotten done with what they set out to do, they walked over to the nearby park and took a seat by the fountain.

The group would sit in silence for a few moments, until Kyle decided to break the silence and speak to Brian.

"Hey, how are you holding up, Brian?" Kyle asked, while turning towards the red head.

"I really don't know what to say... I'm just overwhelmed that my twin brother was brutally murdered like that..." Brian paused for a second, "I should've been there instead of at that stupid Halloween party..." He stuttered.

The red headed male would continue to sit there in shock at the fact this happened to his family. It didn't help that he was the one that had to do most of the planning surrounding Brockton's funeral. It all seemed to still be weighing heavily on his mind.

Joey soon chimed in, "I'm. Sure they'll catch whoever did this to your brother." He said, "and we're all here for you, if needed." He added, giving a reassuring smile to the red headed male.

Brian nodded, "H... hopefully they do." He said, referring to someone catching the person responsible, "hopefully it's before they come around again..."

That statement caused the others to become confused. They didn't seem to know what he meant by that.

"You think whoever did this has something against you or your family?" Bryce asked, raising a brow as he watched Brian nod, "why do you think that?" He asked.

"Well..." Brian said while pulling out his phone and fumbling with it for a few seconds, "I've been getting these strange phone calls and they leave these scary voicemails..."

Brian would begin to play the voicemails out loud for the others to hear. The first thing that stood out was that the person speaking in the voicemails sounded like they were using a voice modifier.

Maxis felt her stomach turn, listening to the voicemails and immediately recognizing the sound of the voice changer. It sounded like it was the same one that her "friends" Scotty and Marcel used during their Ghostface spree months ago.

"Honestly Brian, I wouldn't worry too much about it." Jonathan said, "it's probably just some kind of asshole who thinks they're being funny."

Luke nodded in agreement, "yeah, lots of sick fucks around the world." He added.

It seemed as if most of the group was chalking this all up to being a prank, however, Maxis seemed to think otherwise.

"Or maybe Brian needs to take this seriously... We don't want to have repeat of what happened a few months ago." Maxis said, a hint of genuine worry in her voice and face.

Upon hearing that, Brian was confused, "Wait what?" He asked, "what happened a few months ago?"

Evan, who had been seated beside Luke, sighed, "A few months ago, a couple of people got attacked and killed." He said, shrugging a bit, "I don't think it's a big deal or anything. Besides, the police are already on alert." He added, "Maxis should know that, considering she's interning at the Blackwood PD."

"I'm just saying, it's better to be safe than sorry..." Maxis said in defense of herself.

Bryce shrugged, "I still think it's someone being a clown and pranking him."

"Now, when you say clown, we're not talking about Jonathan, are we?" Kyle asked, chuckling afterwards.

"Speaking of what happened months ago, I heard the murderers were apart of a friend group..." Luke said.

Kyle, Shannon and Maxis all glanced towards Luke, seemingly knowing where he was going with this.

"What's your point?" Kyle asked, even though he already knew.

"Maybe the person responsible is sitting in this very group." Luke responded.

Kyle rolled his eyes, "that's a really good theory and all, except that the only person who knew Brockton, besides his brother, is Shannon."

"I hate to say it, but then that makes Shannon prime suspect number one..." Evan regretfully said.

Shannon gasped, "What?!" She asked.

"No, no, no..." Kyle began to speak again at the defense of his girlfriend, "if anyone's prime suspect number one, it's Brian." He said, while pointing to the red headed male.

Kyle's accusation lead to Shannon punching him on the shoulder and Maxis glaring at him for adding fuel onto the fire. Meanwhile, Brian was shocked, he looked upset at the fact that he had been accused of being the murderer of his brother.

Luke chimed back in, "well, with the case of the past..."

Kyle interrupted him, "take the past, and shove it up your ass..." He growled.

That remark was what set off an argument between everyone in the group, minus Brian, who was now trying to calm everyone down.

Brian's efforts didn't seem to be working, as accusations were flying and fingers were being pointed. All of this arguing and the group wasn't sure if the murderer responsible was even apart of the group.


The arguing continued for quite a while, with the group getting watchful eyes from everyone else in the park. However, after a good few minutes, everyone just shut up and sat in silence. The silent tension between everyone could be cut with a knife.

After a few moments, Evan clears his throat and would speak, "So, do any of you know the nightclub nearby?"

No one in the group said anything, due to either being heated from the argument, a few moments ago, or being upset at the accusations. However, some in the group would look at Evan, hoping he'd continue on.

Evan did continue speaking, "Well, my parents have decided to rent out the place for Thanksgiving break. So I thought i would invite everyone in the group." Evan said

There were a few moments of silence before Kyle spoke up, "Evan, you have a shitty way of breaking the tension. " He said with a chuckle.

Evan chuckled lightly looking over at him, "I don't need an answer at the moment. I just wanted to let you all know beforehand." He said, while looking down at his phone and sighing softly. "Well, i gotta get to Hockey practice. I will talk to you all later."

Everyone would either nod or wave to Evan as he walked away from the group, and not too long after that, everyone else seemed to leave and go about their day, wanting to leave their heated discussion in the past.


Oh my what a way to end this chapter, we both hope you enjoyed it and we will see you in the next chapter :3

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