Chapter 4

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December 20XX

It had been two weeks since Brian's death at Evan's party, and surprisingly, everything seemed to have gone back to normal. At least, that was the case for some, where as others were still worried that more deaths could follow.


It was late in the afternoon and Kyle, Shannon and Maxis were currently walking around Blackwood's campus, they had been joined by Evan. The four of them would talk about their lectures that they just had.

At some point in the middle of the conversation, Kyle fished his keys to his 4Runner out of his pocket and started to hand them to Maxis. Naturally, this confused the other, who looked up at her brother.

"You'll have to drop Shannon off, since I'm staying back to use the campus library." Kyle explained.

"What for?" Maxis asked.

"I got this paper due on Friday..." Kyle began to explain.

Evan interrupted him, "isn't tomorrow Friday?" He asked.

Kyle nodded, "and I haven't even started it all." He added, listening to Evan laugh and watched as he shook his head.

"Well, Shannon and I can stay..." Maxis suggested.

Kyle shook his head, "you can't, you have your internship at the Blackwood Police Department..." He said.

"But I..." Maxis began to respond.

Kyle interrupted her, "I'll be fine Maxis... It won't take long for me to do my research, and when I'm done I'll grab an Uber home." He said.

Maxis took a deep breath. It was clear that she didn't like the idea of her brother being alone, in the campus library, especially while there's some crazed lunatic out there murdering people. However, she realized that there wasn't anything she could do to stop him or convince him otherwise.

Feeling somewhat defeated, Maxis grabbed the keys from Kyle's hand and began to head out into the parking lot, with Shannon following behind so that way she could be dropped off.

Kyle would continue to watch Maxis and Shannon walk into the parking lot. Soon after that, Evan stepped closer to him.

"Hey I gotta leave for Hockey practice. Stay out of trouble you here!" Evan said chuckling.

"I'll try..." Kyle chuckled, "have fun at practicem" He added, while still softly laughing

The two males would fist bump each other before heading off in separate directions, to get to where they had to be.

Kyle walked into the library where he'd sign himself in on their sign-in sheet. After that was done he'd have had over to the one of the tables and would set his bag down. Then, he'd pull out his laptop and notebook, before heading to find some books to help him with his research/paper.


After a long couple of hours, Kyle had finally finished his paper and submitted it. Once he did that, he turned off his laptop, placing both that and his notebook in his bag. Then, he'd return his books while also signing himself out on the sheet from earlier, before heading out of the library.

Upon exiting the campus library, the first thing that Kyle noticed was just how late it actually was. The sun had gone down and it was now pretty dark outside.

As he walked around, he would scroll through his phone, so that way he could request an Uber to come pick him up.

While he waited for the Uber, Kyle made a quick stop at one of the many bathrooms that campus had. As he entered, he noticed that one of the stall doors was closed and had an "out of order" sign on it. He just shook his head and went on to do his business in there and then begin washing his hands afterwards.

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