Act 1, Prologue Part 2: Into the Forest

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 Wiscara, walking on the forest path, was pondering something. "If Antgon was just a kid, why did people like Rozanda follow him? Even someone like Tretone." she thought to herself. She kept walking until she saw a slight red glow in the distance. "What the?" she slowly sneaked towards the glow. Staying in the bushes, she pushes some leaves out of her view, showing her a group of robed people talking around a summoning circle. A robed person with a cut in their hood for a broken halo to go through walked up to the circle with a large red crystal with the silhouette of a robloxian inside. "This will have to do, a group of us may have failed but we can release him with one of those pure hearts." the person said. "Let us begin then." a familiar voice said before the circle was surrounded. Between the robes, Wiscara could see the crystal begin to crack and break as the ground began shaking.

All stopping suddenly when the crystal and the person inside breaks into pieces and gets pulled into the marked circle, with inky like liquid coming out of the circle. The group backed up, out of Wiscara's pov, giving her almost clear view of the liquid starting to take shape. "What the-?" she accidentally quietly spit out, before covering her mouth. Causing one of the robed people's, near the bush she is in, attention for a split second. Unintentionally saved from being spotted when a robloxian-sized rubber hose cartoony ram demon ink creature finally forms.

"Ram ink demon":*stretching* Ah, Finally free.*sees their form before looking to the crowd* Alright, who failed to get the book?

Familiar Voice: My lord, to be fair. We were only following your orders, which were to follow Antagon's orders and get the book. You trusted the little necromancer kid to "take the wheel".

"Ram ink demon":...He was a kid?! *sighs* Are you kidding me... Well, You and your group still didn't get the book, so you 3ds don't have any use to me anymore.

broken halo person: My lord, please reconsider their punishment. They can still have more use. I promise they won't fail again, if you-

"Ram ink demon":*senses someone* hold it... *turned his head around suspiciously* we're being watched..

"Oh crap" Wiscara thought to herself, before quickly and quietly back away. Once she was a good distance away, she ran back on the dirt path. "This can't be good, I need to tell the others." she thought as she ran with all her might

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